July: Some Enchanted Ducky Evening and Cardinalis cardinalis, concerned mom

August: Monarch Butterfly, Danaus plexippus, Eastern Black Swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes - Schiller Park, and Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio glaucus

September: Cacapon Mountain and deer orbs!

October: hibiscus at Frank Fetch Park and can a kitty get some petting around here?

November: Bambi don't rake and helping zrm

December: MEESE, ROCK, and Potomac River 2

Thanks for viewing and common-tating, people. And HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Allus a pleasure to see your photos and such, Thudner. I hope 2012 is good for you until the Mayan gods return and then I hope it's quick for all of us.
Thanks, A.K.
Here's to another good year of pushing the envelope for the Riddled Crew.
Great pictures. That one of the deer with it's eyes reflecting your flash - verrry spooky.
I love the enchanted ducky evening. The colour of the water has muted pinks and oranges that Monet might have soared on. A very good New Year to ye!
That portrait of Nutkin is great- he looks like he's been caught with his paw in the cookie jar. I also love the cardinal- did you use the blind to get so close?
Needs MOAR left foot. Happy New Years!
P.S. Cardinal Mom had a nest or fledgling in the area, so she was keeping a careful eye on me.
Hi thunder, I've been dreaming about a "Happy New Year" comment from you since about 3am!
Anyway, Happy 2012! Hope it's a great one for everyone!
(twitch. Twitch.)
Gosh you take gooood pictures!
I can't believe that I've been around long enough now to know what "Helping ZRM" means!!!
Ahhhh, time. It doth fly!
PS. Thanks for the obnoxious wake up call this morning....
I don't forget things like that I'll have you know. :)
"helping zrm" = squirrels
I haz a Noo Yeers poost: here.
THe monarch ones stand out because the orange against the purple is just sooooooo amazing. *eye bulge*
The close up of the skwil is also mouth-agaping cool.
And I WILL make something with the cat one day. This I vow.
Those skwirls are getting loose and roaming about the internoozles, thndra.
Happy New Year, thundra!!
It's nice to see all of your lovely photos again. I'll look forward to EVEN MOAR this year!
HAPPY (skwirl-free) NEW YEAR!
Great choices and I especially love the deer orbs one! Methinks its the best of the orbs.
Tremendous pictures.
Yay! I love a good recap. I missed some of those early ones.
I really enjoyed those photographs, but specially admired the first butterfly - the composition was excellent, and the last one - so atmospheric.
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