And now for some shorters.
Bob Reich: The Barack Obama for whom we voted in 2008 IS BACK!!!
The New York Times: Obama promises change if elected President.
The Washington Post: All very well, but let's hear more about cutting Social Security.
Glenn Kessler, Fact Checker at The War Criminal Post: OMG Obama is so mean to rich people!
And now for something completely different: A dose of facts from Yves Smith at naked capitalism:
The misdirection is blindingly obvious. The claim is that the Administration needs new tools to get tough on banks. No, it has plenty of tools, starting with Sarbanes Oxley. As we’ve discussed at length in earlier posts, Sarbox was designed to eliminate the CEO and top brass “know nothing” excuse. And the language for civil and criminal charges is parallel, so a prosecutor could file civil charges, and if successful, could then open up a related criminal case. Sarbox required that top executives (which means at least the CEO and CFO) certify the adequacy of internal controls, and for a big financial firm, that has to include risk controls and position valuation. The fact that the Administration didn’t attempt to go after, for instance, AIG on Sarbox is inexcusable. The “investigation” done by Andrew Ross Sorkin in his Too Big To Fail (Willumstad not having a good handle on the cash bleed, the sudden discovery of a $20 billion hole in the securities lending portfolio, the mysterious “unofficial vault” with billions of dollars of securities in file cabinets) all are proof of an organization with seriously deficient controls.
But more broadly, it’s blindingly obvious this Administration has never had the slightest interest in doing anything more serious than posture.
Finally, a blood pressure-reducing video:
UPDATE: Here's a couple of items I forgot to include yesterday, and one from today.

Tengrain suggests changing your registration to a third party or Independent.
Last, from Micah Sifry's Twitter:

(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
thunder, you're like that nature segment at the end of the show Sunday Morning! (one of my favorite TV times)
You should get a sponsor (wink) there's money to be made in nature moments such as these (wink).
Also, I guess 60 Minutes did a story about Sarbanes Oxley Sun night. I didn't see it but my right wing friend did and he's been emailing me about it. And weirdly, he's not emailing me from a partisan angle. Do you think maybe even HE realizes that it's not a Left/Right issue?
I hope you're not suggesting that pretty [ed. note: term used loosely] speeches in fact do not equate change.
Reich's enthusiastic response surprised me.
Good stuff, thunder.
bg, it's hard to predict a rightie p.g.o. (penetrating glimpse of the obvious).
R.G. and J__, the contrast between what Obama is saying and what his D.O.J and S.E.C. are doing couldn't be more stark.
"OMG Obama is so mean to rich people" is my favourite!
Love the video. I was hoping to hear you singing "Rain Rain Go Away" though. :)
Next video...
I challenge you to say something. :)
(or no more titty hugs for you!)
Oh noooooooooooo! Lauraaaaaaaaaa!
The reason I don't say things is the voice recording of the g12 just isn't very good. Your voice comes out too high pitched and silly sounding for some reason.
Just speak lower.
You know.. all manly man-like.
DO IT!!!!!!
See, I didn't give you a titty hug in that last comment...
How did it feel?
You KNOW you can't live without them.
Think about that bucko.
Blood pressure reducing? Not for me, I haven't cleaned out my eavestroughs yet.
The reason I don't say things is the voice recording of the g12 just isn't very good. Your voice comes out too high pitched and silly sounding for some reason.
Thundra... no one's voice sounds right when they hear the recorded version. It's because you're not hearing it through your thick noggin'. Perhaps you've sounded high pitched and silly all your life. I'll dub it for you. Then people will think you're Lou Rawls.
No kidding! I learn something new most everyday, Jennifer.
Today, the rain is gone and the sun is out, but it is cold. There was ice on the deck this morning.
P.S. Post has been updated.
I thought Sibelius at HHS would be a good thing for women. Turns out not so much, huh?
And thus, a typical Obama appointee, zrm.
Apparently, however, Obama has been a Very Good Little Boy, because Santa is either bringing him an ego-swollen Newt gingrick or a primary-damaged Mittster as his 2012 opponent for Christmas!
Oh ya.. change the subject.
I'm in "a mood" and when I'm in "a mood".. I don't let stuff drop. :P
Plus Big B was over on my blog talking about steaming hot water and working kinks out and I can't even say what I wanted to say cause hey.. my blog really is a family blog.. in that.. my family reads it!
Damn. I knew I shouldn't have told them! :P
pretty ... speeches in fact do not equate change.
Well, they are certainly a change from teh previous.
I mean, decent grammar and pronunciation is welcome. I say we make a rule that nobody who says 'nukular' can be in charge of it.
And thus, a typical Obama appointee, zrm.
Oh I know. But my knowledge of Sibelius indicated better, and it was within the realm of possibility that as head of something so inconsequential and non-financial related like HHS, a good one might slip through.
Guess my knowledge of Sibelius is faulty. And Obama is more thorough than I had figured.
Damn. I knew I shouldn't have told them! :P
Well, I am at a loss, Laura. I wish I knew of places on the interwebs where you could let your Filthbot Flag fly!
I'm stumped.
Stump. Froggy goodness for the Frog Pond!
"Evening Orbs" is alright, I guess, but they're not animated..
And then he goes on and vetoes the Plan B availability legislation. Thanks, 2000 GOP campaign-mode Obama.
Oh, it seems he's getting better: It's all Sebelius' fault, but I support her fully.
"Also, sex is bad. and I want to make sure everybody is uncomfortable with the thought by talking about my daughters." he did not add.
I swear you should sell these zen videos, thunder. They really are lovely and soothing.
The tweet is redonk.
Thank you, vs.
I'd like to now direct everyone's attention to the upsidedownies.
Yeah, I was just there. Must find words. It's a witty bunch over there--I DON'T WANNA SCREW THIS UP!
I'd like to now direct everyone's attention to the upsidedownies.
Post now re-titled!!
Perhaps you've sounded high pitched and silly all your life.
Quicktime will drop your audio pitch to Thurl Ravenscroft levels. Fun!
Love this post Thunder and your atmospheric orbs too.
The Big O used lots o' OWS points without of course mentioning OWS. Fucker.
In Cali I am registered as "decline to state" which I love and wish more states had as an option.
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