Verdict: GUILTY! Err, Bloody Caesar wins. Might be just a matter of the sodium content, or maybe not. In spite of my natural concerns re: "clam juice" as a cocktail additive, I judge for the Canuckistanians.

(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire, and even at Three Bulls!? Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
Yayyyy! Hoorah for teh Great White North, eh? To reciprocate, this Canoodlian will partake in some of your fine American whiskey.
well, I am content that I will be able to comment HERE, at least.
Yep. I thought so. Murricans just don't know what they're missing. Clam juice is perfectly safe, peerrrrrfectly safe.
#5 is a veritable gathering of orbs.
I think Anonymous needs a Bloody Caesar...enema.
Nonny needs a nap and a diaper change.
your fine American whiskey.
individually these words make sense, but in aggregate, complete nonsense.
BTW, I've never had a Bloody Caesar, but I'm intrigued. I may have to try one. But only if I can drink it on YOUR PORCH! Or THAT porch. Whatever the fuck the one is in the pictures. That porch. I love that porch. I want that porch.
I thought you typed D&D, which is always more enjoyable whilst wielding a +2 Bottle of Blotto.
Pinko's NY law firm will be contacting you... ya booze hound!
The orbs clearly wanted to participate in the festivities.
I hear that a Bloody Caesar can cure even the most brutus hangovers.
Post now triple-casted...See Delicious or Disgusting? for more!
Applause for Brando.
Dude. How can I get in on this cross-posting thing? Can it really be that there is a not a big market out there for self-obsessed artists with fragile egos who mainly want to point out how cute their babies are and have people laugh at their dumb jokes? Because if that is true, I don't know if I could go on living in this blogiverse.
Yes! They are having a header contest. I think it's a permanent contest.
Go ahead and send one in.
BTW, that site is one of the single ugliest I've ever seen. Weren't they having some sort of header contest? I should have entered. I won the last header contest I entered..
BTW, that site is one of the single ugliest I've ever seen.
Part of its charm. Uglier than Geocities? I THINK NOT.
be advised, madam, that questionable musical taste notwithstanding, Pinko Punko is a lovely man, a prince among bloggers, and a livewire muppet in a red tracksuit. 3Bulls is a central touch point for much of the bloggerhood, and they have consistently been more zombie-friendly than most of the internets. I would not have started several blogs if not for 3Bulls. Also, I have posting privs there, so it is like a home away from home. Away from home.
Also, they have turned me onto very VERY VERY good music, so they receive Zombie Protection.
How can I get in on this cross-posting thing?
Perhaps don't insult the blogs that tend to sponsor cross-posters? Just spitballing here.
I won the last header contest I entered.
Yes. We all said it was lovely. Not the point of the 3Bulls header contest. "Contest", because one of the running jokes is that Pinko's voting rules are so arcane and convoluted that nobody ever wins. I can't believe I have to explain this. Also, it sounds kind of dumb when it's explained, like Star Wars or something.
Well said, ZRM.
I can't believe I have to explain this. Also, it sounds kind of dumb when it's explained, like Star Wars or something.
I've always thought of it as being one of those things where if you have to explain it, they're not going to get it. You just have to feeeeel it. And even though most of us don't get it, we still get it... in some way.
Pinko is goodness wrapped in half-assness, wrapped in more goodness, rolled in crushed honey bbq cheetos, wrapped in red trackies.
I consider him one of my muses.
Of course, all that doesn't mean I don't HATE 3BULLS WITH A WHITE-HOT ZOMBIE HATE for censoring zombie comments on Delish or Disgust threads.
Pinko is also an Evil Mad Scientist who is BAD. He did, after all, invent 3B Raydio....
I consider him one of my muses.
I consider him one of my mooses.
Pinko is also an Evil Mad Scientist who is BAD. He did, after all, invent 3B Raydio....
He's even worse because he got us to contribute! He merely put out the ice pick... we're the ones who jammed it in our ears.
Still, nothing but love for Dr. Pinko.
Lovely image, Jennifer.
O great. NOW I just seem like an unhinged psychopath.
...fair enough, I guess.
NOW I just seem like an unhinged psychopath.
Speaking of unhinged psychopaths... I have a class of them waiting for me. Woo-hoo!!! Maybe I'll tune in some 3B radio to inspire them. :)
Bring them several pitchers of Bloody Caesars, Jennifer.
I love that saying.
yeah, me too.
No fighting in the war room, people/zombies/common-tation entities.
I have to admit that I haven't tried a bloody Caesar, even though I blogged about it two years ago. I think I'd approach it like a Manhattan clam chowder with vodka, or a spiked ceviche punch.
Fair enough, thudner. Ban me if you must.
I honest to god thought Clamato was like a shameful secret that the company made for this little bunch of weirdos who were the only ones who drank it. But no! It is openly displayed in shops and such. This is very unsettling.
Possibly only vodka could kill it.
I would not have started several blogs if not for 3Bulls.
And I would not have made videos that dropped major bombs on his cute little cookies.
Feel the love!
Can this be the War Room's anthem? Baby?
It might have to play second fiddle behind this, beege.
Let me flip that idea, thudner. How 'bout this one?
I still love that song so much. Makes me happy in that 70s, hopeful, bell bottoms sort of way.
Makes me happy in that 70s, hopeful, bell bottoms sort of way.
Me, too.
And then there's the rain on our parades.
I might add my own blogging to that. We're being played for fools, and it pisses me right off.
what a day, what a week. both drinks look delicious and refreshing. I'm too tired to even blink at clamato.
Møøses, as they say.
Zombeez, the Pitcforkening is approaching BEWARES, this is a deadly time. To the battle rap mobile!
I love you guys!
Who was that red-trackied man?
That was the live-wire Muppet!
I totally have my headphones on right now, listening to War at 11.
Oh, man, this sounds GREAT with headphones!
There are some very interesting things going on in my right ear.
Here's my two cents, for no reason but the fact that my two cents are worth way more than other people's two cents:
I love 3B
That is all - commence your whining and nonsense.
Fully admitting that I am (as ever) late to the party.
At least I was invited, and didn't crash it.
Carry on.
Jesus Christ.
*snooze*...eh? What? What just happened here? Why do I always miss the fun parts? Is it because I'm a Yurpeen now? Discrimination!
I miss Nonny Mouse.
I'm back from class... did I miss anything??
I love that Gap Band song. Always will.
And I should have taken ZRM or thudner's advice and taken a 55 gallon drum of Bloggy Caesars to class!
Grrr... That should have been "Bloody".
Told ya!
But a Bloggy Caesar is all I can have!
Cuz I has no real life Caesar ingredients. Not even clam juice.
Bloody Caesars are only improved by dropping a raw oyster into the bottom.
Bloody Caesars are only improved by dropping a raw oyster into the bottom.
So's yer mom.
I totally have my headphones on right now, listening to War at 11.
My headphones don't go up that high.
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