If you imagined that it was Joseph Isadore Lieberman who was sworn into office on Jan 20, 2009, then nothing this Administration has done would come as a surprise.
P.S. Scott Horton
And now for some relief:

(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
It is still a shocking bill, Thunder. And it is till pretty clear that it is not needed, the powers they have are already enough.
I was not a true "The One" level fan so I might not be as disappointed as others but this is extraordinarily hollow of this administration.
I have much catching up to do.
We have the piliated. Defense Authorization: Suckage Totalitization.
Higgs. Dayyum.
Upside-downy woodpecker is hemispherically challenged.
A.K., I didn't think there was good cause to expect more than a typical corporatist Democrat. But I didn't expect so many of Bush's most craven policies to be continued.
And giving Wall Street a complete pass? It's just what Joe Lieberman would have done.
Who doesn't like bananas? AMIRITE?
I just had coffee and a banana, fish. Food of the gods, right after Trader Joe's. (Link is to fish's D or D post...right now blooger is giving me an error message when I try to add Delish or Disgusting to the blog roll.)
P.S. Banksters and no prosecution by Obama story here.
Coming down the pike: SOPA.
So say goodby to all the youtubers and blogs, for that matter.
It was nice knowing you all. Well, most of you.
I am voting next year just because it's SO FUCKING FUNNY.
All of you [censored] and [censored] ham and cheese with [censored] subterranean [censored]. [censored] augmentation surgery, and furthermore [censored] boulevard, with [censored].
I am not changing poopy diapers and listening to a baby scream, I warming myself in front of that fire. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
You must be very light on your feet if those deer didn't hear your approach.
Or you have a very long lense. (hubba hubba??)
Click here, you will not be disappointed.
You know what they say about men with long lenses? They spend a lot of money on camera peripherals.
Error 414, vs.
I was disappointed. ;P
That flickr stream is pretty great, thudner.
Caption to the first piccy: "Pull My Finger, America!"
Obama does an extraordinary rendition of Bush.
+1 Brando.
That ought to ingratiate you with thundra and fish.
Y'all know I don't talk politics.
Upon first glance of the deer picture, I was sure that was a baby elephant in the background.
I'm declaring that it was.
I'm going to say "Wow! Amazing baby elephant photo!"
Thank you, Von.
Best baby elephant pictures on the internet, we like to say around here.
Von is Sekrit Republican.
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