It seems I haven't retrieved the pictures from this camera in a while. This photo was taken in Columbus back in November.

Does anyone remember when it was green and sunny? These are from October.

(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
Lovely batch here. Im such a fan of those stark grey branches.
mmmm, greenery... It seems so long ago now.
Unknown was knuckles. Google is such an ass sometimes.
Thanks vs.
It does seem long ago...especially on the colder days. I may have gotten some nifty orb-deers a few minutes ago.
Love the Downy Woodpecker; it's yet another bird which doesn't exist downunder...
That cat is EEEE-VILLL!!!
Awesome pics, as usual!
Love THOSE ORBS!! Great big-uns, awesome!
Gracias dear friend. ;-)
Did you have a good visit?
My favourite picture is the one of the lake. Lovely. :)
Got present #2 yet? (you're sending me into crazy mode over here just thinking about it all!)
Nope. It would help is people would just spill what they want, he harrumphed.
I love when Satan sends one of his felines up for a little recon.
You have an interesting, perhaps mid-western definition of sunny.
Picky fish is picky.
Does anyone remember when it was green and sunny?
No, but I remember when Sunny gets blue.
Nope. It would help is people would just spill what they want,
As Freddie Mercury sang, I Want It All.
Actually, this holiday season, a bottle of wine would do, to go with my endless supply of whine.
...OK, a BIG bottle.
As I am sure Jamie Dimon would maintain, wanting to live a peaceful life, with a modicum of dignity and small measure of confidence that one poorly-planned illness wouldn't leave me destitute, perhaps a career that provides a decent living and a 50/50 shot at a retirement not in a rundown nursing home, having my soul sucked out my asshole by a mummy in a cowboy costume, makes me an imbecile and a leech.
hey wait a minute, "having my soul sucked out my asshole by a mummy in a cowboy costume" is kind of a description of the standard of living Jaime Ho-Tep WANTS for all of us!
" It would help is people would just spill what they want,"
A new camera please!!! :)
Dear Thunder Claus, I would like a new bike, please. I do not want ape-hangers or extended forks, just an ordinary road bike. Thanks, AK
The orb-eyed thing is telling me to do bad things.
I'm trying to resist, but the eyes, ohhhh the eyes.
Listen to the voices, Von. The voices generally know best.
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