January: Orbs from Friday Night

February: This Is Our House - Let Us In!

March: A Suet Day For Golf

April: We're going for a two point conversion...fish versus bird and Mourning Cloak butterfly.

May: David Brooks' Raptor Jesus scoop

June: Clouded Sulphur, Colias philodice

(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
I am partial to April.
Plover has connections everywhere.
Love those spruce orbs!
My favourites are the first and the last. Just absolutely gorgeous!
(you can't know how mad I am at this moment that I didn't get the camera I wanted for Xmas)
Number 1 is #1 - those orbs are stunning!
I can see why you chose these. Some of these would make the crap photographers at National Geographic hang up their cameras and go sit in a dirt hole.
You must be a pretty committed golfer!
The best thing about golfing in the snow is you rarely have to wait for people ahead of you.
I really like January's picture with the white on the tree and the snow falling. March's is awesome too, I love the light trace of snow and the solitary set of foot and golf bag (I presume) tracks in it. Nice!
I'd like the January shot the most if it wasn't the stark declaration of our doom as a species that it is.
A golfer after my own heart!
January rulz!
Ah, the Great Cobag Heron... truly a magnificent beast!
I really dig January, old chum!
Number 1 is #1 - those orbs are stunning!
See, Alexia has been introduced to Orblore. This is what makes blogging worthwhile.
March is a very good one. Let's look forward to more of that in 2012.
I'm working on July - December right now. Should be ready in a smidgeon...
Didja feel the 'quake?
Nope. I was concentratin', M.B.
Blogging is hard work!
The Mourning Cloak one is especially nice as the background wood makes it look almost 3D.
The photo of the clouded sulphur is gorgeous.
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