First, let's think about all the media professionals who were paid to take the joke that was Herman Cain 2012 seriously. Then remember how they all insisted that we take Rick Perry seriously. Remember all of this whenever you read anything else they write in the future.

In other news:

at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
Are you kidding me? You just beat me to kissing Cain's campaign off by one freaking minute.
You even beat me to commenting on it!
Given the current state of the economy, it probably isn't a good idea to elect a man who left his wife when she had cancer
Squirrel's campaign to cross the road suspended. Donations still accepted.
I feel for the squirrel. And only the squirrel.
Puir Nutkin, he was on his way to the store, too. Look you can see his little purse just up from his tail.
Never mind Herm, the griftrain will be along again.
Unlike Cain's, squirrel's 'crossing the road' campaign will not qualify for Federal matching funds next year.
The river shots are gorgeous, thunder!
I'm sad for the squirrel.
I had to wait to comment until I could get to Flat Stanley and see thudner's sublimely prosaic alt-text for the photos.
I did not terminate that skwirl, regardless of what you may hear.
I also did not terminate Herman Cain's campaign, as he did not have one. Regardless of his participation in the clown car.
Next up: Lil Ricky Man-On-Dawg!
I don't get the sadness for the squirrel. He seems awfully relaxed.
I've spent the afternoon hiking on the mountain and cutting down some trees to improve the view at one of my favorite 'lookout' rocks.
I ran into one Porky Pine, who was not at ground zero of the lumberjack operation. He/she/it/porcupine was located in a tree at about ground 0.05, though.
Pics and video coming up...
I'm also very sad for the squirrel... I shan't be back.
lol @ I shan't be back.
And... neither shall the squirrel.
Herman Cain might be.
He is still accepting campaign contributions.
thunder, are you a lumberjack?
Nine nine nine, bitchez! That's 27 if you're counting, or 729 if timesing.
That lil guy on the road looked freshly deceased enough to contemplate stewing. It's best tho' to use the following method: drive down a dead-end road, spray paint a circle around all the roadkills you see, then drive back, any uncircleds are thus fresh enough to take home for stew. Metaphors abound, as our buddy BDR is wont to say.
As for Cain: looks like the lightning got him.
Pressie for thudner
Somebody needs to photoshop a bottle of booze near Nutkin's paw.
Were you up by Point of Rocks, old chum?
LOL at all of you, he lol'ed.
B^4, I drove through Point of Rocks (and past all the horsey farms of LowDown County) on my way to Thanksgiving in Ashburn. Also, I visited the house I grew up in in N.W. D.C.
Other than that, I've been hanging out here in Berkeley Springs. I'll have to head back to Ohio at some point...but I'll be the one deciding when that point is.
Somebody needs to photoshop a bottle of booze near Nutkin's paw.
Or a little 'lectric guitar.
Rofl, oh, that's a funny visual.
I just finished watching Winter's Bone, and I'm feeling a tad creepily wigged out. So, I clicked over to read A.O. Scott's review. Read it, then read some of the comments. One of the commenters describes the circling of road kill system just like Jim H does in this thread.
Things like this do not happen when I watch Wedding Crashers.
Dammit man, you can't be showing squished squirrel, I'll start welling up at work and that will chip away at my coldhearted crazy metal guy persona.
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