I've been working on a mushroom post that might appear soon. I've taken a lot of pictures of different mushrooms in the last week or so, but I'm afraid I don't know what they are. The more I learn about them, the less certain I am of the identification of the few I was sure of.
(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
I saw those Geese flying south the other day! So glad to see that they made it and are now pooping all over your shorelines. :)
Gorgeous pictures! This is my favourite time of year. So fleeting yet, so beautiful.
Just post the mushrooms and guess at what's what. I mean really ... how smart do you actually think we are? I'm not going to challenge you on anything, that's for sure! :P
Baby orbs! Cute!
I did have to wipe my shoes extra careful before going back inside.
It's rainin' orbs! Hallelujah!
Note to self: get elder lamblet to sign off of my computer before I comment...
Forgive my ego: the last paragraph of the story I just finished drafting could be the caption for your first pic. If you'll indulge:
"One cool, autumn afternoon, returning through the park after a particularly exhilarating 10-mile run, he noticed two men sailing a model sailboat on the small lake. Sharing the controller, they were navigating their toy around several tiny buoys as well as the ducks and swans paddling in the lake. ... The men talked until almost sunset, when Justin and Michael retrieved their boat from the water and headed home. Chas did not leave, transfixed by the reflection of the city and the dying sky on the small ripples on the lake, until a man in a police uniform told him the park was closing and he would have to leave. It simply wasn't safe to be here after dark.
Well, this was a relaxing post to read/look at before bed. I guess autumn really is upon us.
Good on you for telling those geese to go jump in a lake!
I like yhat, Jim H. Of course, at Lake Siri, no police come by and you can stay as late as you want. (Given that you are nominally trespassing anyways, as it's part of the closed Coolfont resort.)
No, no, no, the fun is in *not* identifying them, then seeing who, after sampling, gets the churniest stomach.
These days the orbs act like they run the place and don't show no respect.
They're not even afraid of the sunlight anymore, S_McG.
Oooh, these are delightful. I'm hoping the rain eases off so I can get out with my camera tomorrow. I need some fall colors on my memory card. Stat!
These days the orbs act like they run the place and don't show no respect.
Build a wall to keep them out!!!
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