Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
While the accuracy of certain translations has been challenged by a certain Doktor, I must note that not only are they carved in stone, but they're in Schiller Park in German Village.

UPDATE: Live, from West Virginia:

The only thing missing from those photos, thudner... or should I say thudnra... is your left foot. We haven't seen it in a while. Is it on vacation?
Dank Barkeit?
I'm in.
Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
Lived a double life as a psychopathic killer.
Something something something
Something something something
Something something something gorilla.
Columbus has much better parks than London. I doubt the folks here understand literary history that's any deeper than Archie comics.
My left foot hasn't gotten high enough to star in any pics lately, Jennifer. But it did make it to W.V. along with the rest of me.
Mountain Laurels isreal!
I don't want to know what fish is doing with Thundra's left foot
Is it on vacation?
It went Galt.
WTF is up w/the last photo? I see no orbs!
Sooner forgotten than gratitude?
Blood type.
I Love Schiller!!! Favourite writing is "The Robbers"! Greetings from Hamburg
"everything new, even happiness, strikes terror" is a weak translation in my opinion.
So much for being carved in stone!
This greeting only comes from PA, but, "hey!"
Mountain Laurel? Looks good.
Also, thanks for the education.
Somehow, along the way, Columbus grew into a beautiful swan...
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