In the news, there's a little hurry-cane thing happening, but Eric Cantor doesn't want the Federal government paying for it because he's a man with a principle (the rich must get richer, and eff everybody else).
Obama loves tar sand pollution.
And that B.P. gulfie-thinghie we don't care about anymore, because Obama solved it all? Right.
On the other hand, we still have butterflies (for now):

(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
You're gonna need to move to a place with year-round flutterbyes.
You mean Milwaukee?
P.S., for the people who don't know.
You are the 3rd person I've read today who is posting The Butthole Surfers... Just sayin'.
Thundra- that black swallowtail is beee-yoooo-teee-full!!! Lovely Friday Butterflies!
Also, that purple fleur gets a shitload of ake-shun!
No fleur ID?
These photos look like they should be in Nat Geo or something. Sheesh. Gorgeous stuff.
In other news, I still can't get alt text to work. Am I retarded?
vs, here's the html for the first pic:
[a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href=""][img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 400px; height: 240px;" src="" border="0" title="Eastern Black Swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes"id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5644936355843356162" /][/a]
(Angle brackets were replaced with square brackets.)
The relevant part is title="Eastern Black Swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes", which is something you have to add to blogger's picture upload (in practice, I usually just replace the alt="" with title="etc."
MB, that is Buddleja, aka Butterfly Bush. There's a ton of flowers planted in that stretch of Schiller Park, but the big butterflies only land on the Buddleja.
You take the nicest pictures. :)
Thanks, thunder. I'll try again soon. *sigh*
Butterflies go well with a nice, light crude.
Good GOD, those butterflies are beautiful. Amazing captures, all!
The Butthole Surfers will go down in history as the best-named band. Ever. I always smile when I see their name: Glad you brought 'em up here!
If the southern-ranged butterflies move north because of the climate change, then there might be a lotta good butterfly pics to take before the world ends.
Um..what exactly is that last photo of dear man? You aren't growing anything illegal right?
Of course in my state I can grow 12 plants of nature's medicinal without worrying about Jonny Law knocking on ma door. I love that about Cali! ;-D
Oh, and party at Ned's place. He is all alone and live blogging Irene..of course she won't hit his neck of the woods till tonight..but wtf..lets bug him and see how high we can drive his comment count on that thread! Are you game?
I'mma guessing it's a mango seedling.
Mister Clyde is correct.
And he didn't even have to get out of the boat.
It didn't look like a tiger seedling.
I have bamboo.
I like the way it rattles together when the wind blows.
I also like the fact that it is a "grass". Fifty foot tall grass, or maybe we're just tiny creatures in your lawn?
Nice flutterbies! I should do a live Irene blog, until the electricity goes kaput. I'm pretty much camped out at work for a good long while.
I saw a picture of a guy sitting on a desert island the other day but instead of being surrounded by water the island was in the midst of a huge and empty parking lot.
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