There are your cats and orbs. Now for the bonds.
Please show us on the chart where the phony baloney "Debt Ceiling Crisis" touched you, Mister 10 Year T-Note yield:

"No where, ittdgy™³²®©, I'm doing GRRRRRREAT!!!"
That chart is a fine illustration of the fact that this entire "crisis" was ginned up by our owners in order to manufacture consent. Consent to pay for the tax cuts, wars, and bailouts for said owners with austerity ("now is the time to eat our peas") for the rest of us. I am reminded of how our politicians and corporate media joined together to lie us into war with Iraq back in 2002-2003.
(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire)
I don't get it. Do none of the cats in your zone know fear, or is that one loooong lens you're using?
Tried to leave the above at WF, but the comment system is in bad shape.
No link to WF??
No link to WF??
Thanks, M.B. I coulda sworn I put that in. Fixed!
As for the cats, neigborcat 3 is quite wild.
As for the rest, I need to get my orb pic attempts in quickly, before they're rolling on my shoes and getting petted.
(Neighborcat 4, who is also neighborcat 5, is shown here shortly after pic 5.)
Yeah, it's a pain cross-posting, but I don't think Thers runs nearly enough cat or orb pix.
Just don't type WHORE!!!
I never knew Columbus was such a hotbed of Satanic chicanery. Almost rivals DC.
maybe you could type WHORB.
Confuse the fuck out of some people.
Uh, those aren't peas!
maybe you could type WHORB.
Blogwhorbing... heh heh...
Do you know how many lies they told us to drag our happy asses into Iraq? 935..You can find them all here.
Oh, and I like the orbs in neighborhoodcat3
The Third Policecat lurks around the office building next door to my building.
I rarely see a cat slinking down into the ground cover like that, and unlike the others, this one avoids humans like a cardinal.
My diagnosis: feral kitty.
yep..its feral. I have three feral kittehs in the house right now..well, two are still feral..one has come over to the dark side already..the little black one with a white star on her chest. Her siblings aren't warming up to me yet.
BTW..send you an email to your email addy you left on yer last comment at my place.
I've never seen such a hairy gray pussy before! I'm shocked! :P
That first cat? BATCAT!!! Seriously--amazing markings.
What's wrong with the Typepad comment system?
Plz let me know.
I am nutty lazy, truth be told, tho
Now for the bonds.
I was completely sold on the bond between cats and orbs already. THANKS MR. NOFUN.
I'm trying to pet the Ocelot...
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