1) The stock market fluctuated, as they say.
2) Our President reaffirmed his desire to save Social Security by cutting it.
3) Our corporate media continued to fulfill its mission to keep Americans fully informed by following Sarah Palin around.
So it goes. Here are some butterflies.

Umbrella Girl lives in Schiller Park.

Another bee video? Why not! I'll just keep getting closer until I get stung.
To Me!
(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions)
I feel so much better now.
Thanks for the pics.
So do you live in Columbus, and in/near German village?
Yes, I do (not in German Village, but close enough to walk there most everyday).
if I wanted to start stalking you, I'd just go to German Village most everyday. ;p
It seems like the butterflies and bees don't give a crap about what's going on in "the world". They just keep on doing the same thing everyday.. no matter what.
Perhaps they'd like to start following Sarah P. around....
Ya know, if I ever get a moment to myself, I may start doing some nature photography. The gophers in my back yard aren't going to take pictures of themselves. They believe that cameras steal their souls.
So, thunder, you let anonymous posters know where you live? I admire your bravery, sir!
Well it's not like it's a big secret, vs.
Besides, downtown could use the extra tourism.
Actually, if you go back and read it carefully, Thunder actually told Anonymous where he DOESN'T live.
So he lives in Columbus, somewhere that ISN'T German Village.
I'll be right over!
I dunno. Laura's already threatening to stalk him. Judging from her blog, though, I'd say he's in no immediate danger of being murdered, skinned and then skullfucked.
I have no idea who wrote the post above this one. That person is indelicate and indecent. I would not allow her to post on my blog. I would ban her forthwith.
I'm only banning people who don't play the videos.
I'm sure glad Sarah Palin was able to take time out of her "family vacation" to criticize the President for taking a vacation.
I'm only banning people who don't play the videos.
You can tell?d
Aunt Snow, Sarah Palin = Sharia Plan.
P.S. mikey is banned. Why do you hate butterflies, mikey?
bees don't give a crap about what's going on in "the world". They just keep on doing the same thing everyday.
well, except for that whole 'colony collapse disorder' thing.
I'd say he's in no immediate danger of being murdered, skinned and then skullfucked.
well, it didn't happen when he was in ZombieVille, so thundra is probably feeling invulnerable.
Besides, he keeps his location nearly as secret as I do.
Love the pics, as always.
Stop harshing my butterfly mellow with your political links!
Jennifer, I have a new post up...just pics!
It's been awhile since I skull fucked someone.
At least a year.... :)
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