How about a carpenter bee?

The goldfinches keep eluding me. This one flew up to the telephone wires just before I could take his picture. Then he spent some time up there laughing.

Thanks to Smut Clyde, I know now that okra and hibiscus are both members of the mallow family.

And now for your market and political analysis:
(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions)
So, were I to find okra or hibiscus in a marsh, they'd be good puffy sugary eating?
Christ on a crutch, Jesse's going to have the life-span of a hummingbird, & Heather will be dead from not moving except to bribe him.
Here's some recipes from around the world for okra. As far as I can tell, hibiscus flowers are used to make tea and in some salads.
You're right about the dog, that's why I made this video my politics and market commentary.
Thanks to Smut Clyde, I know now that okra and hibiscus are both members of the mallow family.
Both delicious! I love okra, and love the Jamaican hibiscus punch.
You better not be inferring that the internets is for anything other than pretty nature pictures, illegal downloading & porn.
I was out pulling weeds when I realized a female goldfinch was a mere 4 feet from me, gleefully plucking apart a zinnia... I would have taken a photo with which to taunt you, but didn't have a camera on me... it would have been payback for you hogging all of the butterflies this year.
I like the Red Admiral..didn't you feature that one in another post?
As for expert market analysis..I have had enough of that shit lately to last me a lifetime...give me butterflies and orbs dude!
Yes, I've featured Red Admirals in other posts, Dusty...but not these ones! (Pictured above are at least two, if not three different Red Admirals I saw on Wednesday.)
On butterfly safari I take pictures of whatever I see. Later I download them to see whether any came out nice.
Is that dog named Knuckles?
I need that dog to come to my house and teach my kids a few tricks. Mainly, how to make their beds and put garbage in the garbage can.
I like your blog..it gives me a calm feeling and gawd knows the political news that I suck down like a crackhead does the complete opposite.
Beautiful pictures, as always.
Thanks Von and Dusty.
There'll be a new post any day now.
You can bet your bottom dollar!
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