A certain zombie and friend from Milwaukee blogs here. And at First Draft, another collection of links for news junkies.
In other news, more details regarding "Super Congress" are emerging. No one should be surprised when it decides that the way to pay for wars, tax cuts, and bailouts for plutocrats is with cuts to Social Security and Medicare. That's been the plan all along.
I'd also like to link this post from Yves Smith, one of the bloggers filling in for Glenn Greenwald at Salon this week. The people who ruined our economy are doing
(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire)
UPDATE: The effort to retake the Senate fell one seat short, with two of six Republicans losing. Over at Fred Hiatt's wretched hive of scum and villainy, torture fan and former Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen scribbled:

Last fall, when Republicans wrested 20 state legislative chambers and 10 governorships from the Democrats, some on the left refused to accept the results.
Remember after the 2008 elections, when Republicans accepted the results instead of filibustering every single thing?
Me neither!
Instead of accepting the results and pitching in to help repair the country that Bush and Cheney had left a smoking crater, Senator Mitch McConnell said, ""The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."
So tell us Marc, you pathetic, torture-loving hypocrite, why do you Republicans hate America?
Open another bottle, MoOBoB. This is going overtime.
Recall sounds so boring, we should start calling them Reagans in honor of the saint's mysteriously faulty memory.
The Sword of Austerity hits only the unwashed? I'm shocked, shocked I tells ya.
the results were accepted...until Turdwaffle Walkers started pushing the ALEC-authored, anti-American, Kock-supporting union busting corporate whore agenda that was nowhere to be seen during the actual, you know, election.
I guess it's the whole "Democratic Election" thing Thiessen is unfamiliar with. Or is hostile toward.
Elections only count when they are won and/or stolen by Republicans, apparently.
I have a somewhat different expectation of the results of the Supercommittee, but we need to get the timeline straight first. Supercommittee reports in November.
CR keeping government funded ends September 30. In other words, government shutdown (remember those?) resulting from impasse over appropriations bills/spending levels (yes, good morning and welcome to KGOP, where we're all spending cuts, all the time) long before supercommittee reports.
And my girl Nancy was genuinely concerned about a default, will be less willing to support just anything to keep the government running. This will be the next big 'crisis'....
So tell us Marc, you pathetic, torture-loving hypocrite, why do you Republicans hate America? Bet that question goes unanswered, or he spins it towards the Left.
These inbreds really can't string two sentences together that logically make any sense.
Remember after the 2008 elections, when Republicans accepted the results instead of filibustering every single thing?
How about the 2000 presidential election?
If there is one thing we know, it's the the GOP is the party of acceptance.
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