In other news, God told One L that the hurricane and the earthquake are signs that God wants us to cut spending. Maybe She just wants you to shut the hell up, Shelley?
And Ross Douthat is an enormous hypocrite.
(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
UPDATE: Doghouse Riley's take on Douthat.
I always wanted to plant a moon garden, but never had enough room.
Hey, that link to left at my blog..you doin a post on it? That's some major fuckery dude.
Those datura come up through the bricks each year with no human help...all they need is the moon!
I'm not sure, Dusty. It needs more circulation, but I don't know what I could add.
Monday night HIGH N DRY
God wants us to cut the cheese.
That kitty reminds me of Attack the Block, in which the filmmakers had the bright idea to make alien monsters almost completely black so they didn't have to to complicated animating. A fine trick.
You should write a children's book, Thunder and the Hell Kitty from Hell.
That yard has some trees, and the only streetlight is down at the corner (it's in German Village). So when I walk by at night, if the kitty is there all I see is a dark spot on the nearly black lawn.
The camera pre-flash picks up kitty's eyes so I can center the pic.
The second picture before the Devil-cat. Is that the Mother-orb ship?
A.K., I can't remember taking the picture. It just appeared on my camera somehow. It might be the mother orb ship.
Pssst... It's Tuesday!
Where are your Tuesday Teals? Or Tuesday Two O'Clock Tones? Or such as...
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