I considered trying to catch the youngster, but I didn't think there was a chance I'd be successful at rearing it. So all I'd do was give mom and dad heart attacks while confirming all of their worst suspicions re: humans.
The picture below is one I took earlier in the month (unfortunately, the beak/forehead area is a little out of focus).
Cardinals don't like letting you take their picture.

No!!! Poor thing. We've seen how many cats seem to be around your area...
Cats, devil bunnies, you name it...we got 'em.
we had a man-cardinal around our backyard earlier this year.
Haven't seen him lately.
But I did see a bat romping through our backyard lately. looks like we finally have a tenant in our bat house.
tell Baby Cardinal our backyard is safe, now; as long as he stays out of the range of Lucy's run....
Cardinals don't like letting you take their picture.
That's cardinal law.
we had a man-cardinal around our backyard earlier this year.
ZRM stole a comment from a church choir.
Bad news all around for Cardinals this wk.
I have an Orb Weaver. I took some pictures. I'm going to take inspiration from Thunder and post my Orb Weaver pics (the internet allowed me to identify it generally, if not specifically).
Orb Weaver.
Uh oh, so what happened to the little one?
Beautiful birds. We don't get cardinals on the west coast. I always used to be surprised at seeing them when I visited Mom in Texas, because they were so bright.
fly birdie fly
Good thing you let him go. Not enough meat for even a pint-sized stir fry.
You are carving out a niche for yourself in cardinal-related news that is not about child molestation.
Aunt Snow, I went back by the next morning, there was no sign of the chick or the parents.
vs, such a low bar to clear (he filthbotted).
I LOVE cardinals. Such beautiful birds. Back in the day, when we had trees, (pre-chain saw owning hubby).. I used to see them every morning in the back yard.
I miss them.
I hope that the little one made it OK. :(
How'd things turn out?
It's a mystery, as I was taught to say (Catholic, ya know).
I suspect something got the chick and the parents moved on. Even Bambi is a suspect.
As long as you're hanging out with Cardinals, see if you can find out what it would take for the Giants to sign Albert Pujols next year, ok?
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