I was planning to post about Matty Yglesias, using a column
Thers referenced and one other. Only just now did I notice that the 'other one' was written by Ezra
Stiles Klein instead. Go figure!
So here are some pictures.

at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
Though I am not Jewish, I still feel as though I have the right to plotz...which I am doing upon seeing your orbs and squirrel picture. WOWZA!!!! *eyes pop out of head, cartoon-style*
Thanks, vs!
Re: Mister or Missus Squirrel: that tree might go up to eleven, but that's about it.
In addition, it's located with another tree about the same size between the building and the parking lot, and squirrel was very concerned.
Here's another pic.
that one looks like Dramatic Skwirl, thudner.
He also looks like he intends to start eating that fence.
You're looking at some fine architecture there, zrm.
I forget what year it was built, but that is the wall of a six story multifamily apartment building.
Squirrel is calling in the orb strike. You think that's just a cute fluffy tail?
I'm afraid I have to agree with zrm about the bastardo's .. I mean squirrels.
However.. all the pictures, even his, are great. I especially love the first one.
I just love, love, love pictures of the sky. Bright blue or cloudy and moody-it's all good. :)
that is the wall of a six story multifamily apartment building.
I love all of these photos, thundra. It's an epic photo day!
Did I hear correctly? Is today, the historical day of your birth?
If so, I have a little song for ya..
Happy Bithday,
Happy Birthday,
Pain and sorrow fill the air,
people dying everywhere...
Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday.
I have some left over pound cake, if you'd like a piece!
((Hugs))*with a titty press* I always do the titty press on ones b-day!
Thank You, although I am not admitting it's my burfday.
It's still a rumor!
(Even if I started it.)
Dear Lord, thundra! Just say it's your b-day and take the titty press! You can't look a gift titty press in the mouth... or something like that.
In the spirit of the nursing tank, "titty press" makes me think of the device that holds that poor gland in it's grip for breast cancer screening.....
I would warn against unauthorised use of the Titty Press, It is a highly technological piece of equipment and needs a skilled operator.
Whoa, how close were you to Nutkin when you snapped that mugshot?
Happy Birfday, old chum!
Happy Bithday,
Happy Birthday,
Pain and sorrow fill the air,
people dying everywhere...
Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday.
I didn't know Morrissey wrote a birthday song!
Dear Lord, thundra! Just say it's your b-day and take the titty press!
Thudner's blog--come for the orbs, stay for the free mammograms!
St. Francis of the Squirrels heartily endorses this event or product.
If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die?
If you press my titties, do they not smoosh?
This has been another installment of "Little Known Shakespeare," featuring vs, as That Scamp Who Says Silly Things That May or May Not Be True
You don't want my titty press?
I'm sure there's lot's of other people that do...
stomps out
Oh yeah.. I forgot to close the door on my way out...
Hey, I never turned down the hug and press! I was just trying to retain plausible deniability, as the saying goes, with regards to certain alleged events.
Lens flare above & to the left of the sun in that sky photograph looks suspiciously like a skwirl pawprint.
If it was or was not your birthday I might wish you a belated Happy one. Or not.
I love the squirrel pics!!
Also, lol @ titty press! And you know what? I HAVE NEVER TYPED THAT WORD BEFORE.
You people are a bad influence.
Love the squirrel! Plus I used your graphic of the Berkeley macing in my latest piece @ my place. ;-)
Oh yeah, I adore the Colorado Spruce Orbs! Gracias dear man. ;-)
Pretty pix. I regret racing through Louisville, Columbus and Cincinnati without a proper stop.
Although, technically, I believe "The Other One" was written by Weir and Barlow... Just sayin'
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