If Wall Street got the idea that Obama was no longer in their back pocket, you'd see a serious GOP run for President. For now, having these fools bark and bray about "Socialism" while B.H.O. collects his pay is all they need.

(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
While this far from my favorite band, the fact that they are backed by the orchestra is awesome.
Unsurprisingly, people still haven't taken heed of the warning given to us over thirty years ago.
I love bees.
They are so fat and cute.
I love fat things.... :)
R.G., I remember the Killer Bees! That was back when Rupert Murdoch's empire was merely annoying (and Saturday Night Live was funny).
Jennifer, they're so far from my favorite band they're closer to Justin Bieber. /youtube comments
Laura, the bees are still out there but now it is much quieter. That was from one of the warmer days in October.
You know, that plant in the picture has edible roots.
You, sir, came very close to influencing me to download a Best of Scorpions album.
Fortunately, I beat myself senseless against a wall before clicking "buy album".
Seriously, I love that kind of pretentious bombastic crap, but holy hell, the lyrics!
that plant in the picture has edible roots.
For values of "edible" that include "flavourless boring lump of starch".
For some people, that's the only starch they're going to get.
Any port in a storm, etc.
P.S. I just passed by the park. They've taken the taro plants in for the winter, and a beekeeping lady was blowing smoke into the beehive. (I was going to take a picture, but she was worried about the bees stinging me and shooed me away.)
I just realized that Elephant Ear looks very close to Burdock... and Burdock Root is edible. Are they related?
Burdocks are family Asteraceae (sunflowers, thistles, and such as), while Elephant Ears (Taro) are family Araceae, Jennifer.
Burdock trivia:
After taking his dog for a walk one day in the early 1940s, George de Mestral, a Swiss inventor, became curious about the seeds of the burdock plant that had attached themselves to his clothes and to the dog's fur. Under a microscope, he looked closely at the hook-and-loop system that the seeds use to hitchhike on passing animals aiding seed dispersal, and he realised that the same approach could be used to join other things together. The result was Velcro.
I was too tired to look this afternoon. Thanks, thundra... But surely you can see how the long stalks and huge leaves might lead to my befuddlement.
For some people, that's the only starch they're going to get.
Sold in supermarkets here so evidently a lot of people have a taste for it.
Delicious or disgusting?
I should check with the local home brewers to see if anyone's boiled up a batch of Taro beer.
That video was awesome!! Got the chills!! Until the vocals started...
"The bitch is hungry"
That brought the brow way down.
the lyrics get worse after that Beege.
First of all, I can't get: Rock you like a Herman Cain! Out of my head.
Damn you, thunder!!
ZRM, am I going to have to listen to the entire song now so that I know the true awfulness of all the lyrics? I was embarrassed once the singer started singing.
Watched the whole thing. Except for the lead vocals, and the horrid, horrid lyrics, that was JUST GREAT! Fun!
I didn't watch the whole thing meself.
I just needed it for the name.
♪♫ Rock You Like A Herman Cain ♪♫♪♫
Gotcha, BG!
lol @
♪♫ Rock You Like A Herman Cain ♪♫♪♫
Egged by the confidence fairy
I want you to know that I had the song "Rock You Like a Hurricane" in my head ALL DAY yesterday.
You are in so much trouble, mister. I'm gonna put some song in your head now. JUST. YOU. WAIT.
I *intentionally* called my sister JUST to put:
♪♫ Rock You Like A Herman Cain ♪♫♪♫
In her head!
Evil big sister that I am.
First of all, I can't get: Rock you like a Herman Cain! Out of my head.
It will take a full day, BG, and even then, you'll find it popping in again at inopportune times.
Whatever, blah, blah, yuck.
C'mon now. Three. Words.
Winds of change.
The whistling. The soldiers. The moment. Jesus Jones was still trying to figure out how to work the remote when they got it. Totally.
If you followed along, or better yet, were there, it was CRAZY. People were just walking across borders that would have KILLED them a month before. The whole sense of possibility, that we could leave that binary MAD paradigm behind.
Oh, sure, we fucked it up. Show of hands - who's surprised. But the moment, that can never be replaced. It was - I dunno, fuck, I grew up with flights of F-102s scrambling out of Hamilton AFB a mile away, reminding us that we were all going to die, along with the world.
Winds of change...
You're not wrong re WS.
Welcome to the WoW Wise Links.
If "Rock You Like a Herman Cain" is wrong, then I don't ... no it's just wrong.
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