Perhaps some of these flat ones are Honey Mushrooms? I see that next time I will have to take samples home if I really want to find out what they are.
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P.S. These pictures were taken in West Virginia in September.
(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
You know that my foot is just ITCHING to stomp all over those,... right? :)
I need to go out right now and see if I can find something to crush.
Thanks man. Thanks.
I am waiting to see a mushie that looks like the Millenium Falcon.
Laura is fitting right in with this group, isn't she?
So much so that it's worrying her, zrm.
I am disturbed by Laura's fungal stomp fetish.
Mystery 'shroom #3 = Coprinellus micaceus (nomnomnom).
Imma guessing that 'shroom #5 is one of the Lycoperdon puffballs (the wolffarts), hence the nipple on each one where the spores will puff out when it's ripe.
I am disturbed by Laura's fungal stomp fetish.
I think that is the first time SC has ever confessed to being disturbed.
Is #2 a mushroom or is the ground just happy to see you, thundra?
Perhaps only the helper slug knows for sure, Jennifer.
P.S. These pictures were all uploaded back when the winetop was functional, and substantial post re-editing has occurred since.
I noticed that mystery shroom 5 (the mini-puffballs referenced by S.C.) did not yield much in the way of a better picture when double-clicked. (Substance got me all paranoid about the pics yesterday.)
It is feexed.
Gack! I didn't notice Helper Slug! I don't even want to know...
I like my blogs like I like my pizza: covered in mushrooms.
ROCK you like a Herman Cain will not rate for your pizza, vs.
It is feexed.
What you have there, sir, is a bad outbreak of boobies.
Now you must feex Mystery Shroom #4 in the same way.
Now you must feex Mystery Shroom #4 in the same way.
So Let It Be Written.
P.S. Over at the House of Whiskey, MrToad had a few thoughts.
As for inky caps, I ran across this.
This is as ridiculous as the case of an expatriate Englishman I know who judges all vegetables by how near their taste approaches that of Brussels sprouts.
Heh, heh, he heh-hehed.
ROCK you like a Herman Cain will not rate for your pizza, vs.
Are fungi really vegetables, or should they be considered something else entirely?
Around the house I am also known as "Helper Slug."
Are fungi really vegetables
I had just got used to thinking of fungi as the Third Kingdom of the Eukaryote domain. But the Wikiweedia informs me that the cladists have been stirring up trouble again, and now the fungi and animals are united within the Opisthokont clade... which is part of the Unikont group of Eukaryotes (along with Amoebozoa)... while plants are part of the Bikont group.
The whole cladistic structure being dominated by the relationships between different identical-looking single-celled amoebas, with plants & animals tucked into the corners as afterthoughts.
of course you knew that and are just asking to stir up trouble. I'm sure there are people who define "vegetable" as "any non-animal life-form". Away to fuck with them.
Are fungi really vegetables, or should they be considered something else entirely?
We fun guys are not rethugs!
P.S. zrm, I've gone to Chrome as my primary browser. It took a bit of adjustment from Firefox, but with that done, I'm sold on it.
I have chrome on my Windows partition, but haven't felt compelled by it. I may switch back to Safari, I hazn't used it in a couple of releases.
I do like the dancing badger killfile, though. Useful at Sadly, No. Chrome supports scripts, right?
I don't use any scripts (if those are the same as add-ons?) for Firefox except screen-grab.
I haven't seen a screen-grab for Chrome that meets the smell test, so that is one of my major remaining uses for Firefox.
Thudner is turning 25 tomorrow?
No, no, it's all one of them rumors that happens so often on the innertoobz.
Soon Thudner will start to shave and get interested in girlz.
He won't come and play with us no more
Unless a person would miss a day of slaving away for some soulless bank.
The paycheck and medical insurance were nice, but the rest goes un-missed.
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