UPDATE: Through the comments (thank you, Jennifer and BeeGee), I've learned that in spite of a certain common tater's professed love of the Mekons, THIS is zrm's song:
(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
Well...they go to eleven!
If you catch the "Unwigged and Unplugged" video, it was shot in Milwaukee and you can see me and my friend Rory sitting a few rows back in many shots.
I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand? Causing you to number your amps up to 11?
Herman Cain should hire Nigel as his campaign manager- "What's wrong with being sexy?"
Where's the glove and may I smell it?!!!
But if I may be serious for a moment, I'd just like to say that every day is Nigel Tufnel day for me. And I don't think there's anything wrong with being sexy.
Those pictures are REDONK. I am stealing them.
Your moon shot is much more black than my moon shot.
Those are some beautiful sky photos, thundra!
Happy !!11!!!@!111111eleven!
zrm, is this the tour?
I don't see anything on youtube but user uploaded videos like that one.
Lovely pictures of the sky!
Happy 111111!!! Enjoy
There is a really, really scary face in your second pic. WAY scarier than Ghost Melon.
I'm scared.
that's the one, thudner.
We were probably a couple of rows behind the guy who filmed that.
It's still under commercial release, so no Youtubers, you have to buy it or get it from netflix.
Geeb is worried about scary faces in the clouds?
I love her each weekday, each velvety cheek day.
We were probably a couple of rows behind the guy who filmed that.
Look for the MM hair!
Also...Another scary face in the clouds.
It's odd to see Brando's name popping up again. I keep thinking I'm dreaming and it's 2010.
Celebrity Dream Cameo, Jennifer?
I had a long dream that I actually remembered when I got out of bed the other day. But it was a boring dream.
High quality big bottom!
Awesome. Celebrate good times.
It's odd to see Brando's name popping up again. I keep thinking I'm dreaming and it's 2010.
I know, right? And Beege! Maybe even 2008. It is making my head hurt.
I keep expecting that asshole billy pilgrim to show up.
I'm still wondering what that old thread you and beege were talking about over at your place was, Jennifer.
Perhaps a link, he begged?
I linked to it in the comment thread! Also, I reposted the post as the current post so all old comments would be included.
It's there!!
Oh there it is.
Why didn't you say so???,he explained.
My linker is broken.
That thread is hilarious!! I think Snag won it, though.
I'm getting weepy.
Now if we can get Res off FB and back into the blogs, we could kick the besmirching TC/BP/ZRM up to a new level!
Up to 11 maybe, she pondered?
LOL! Res has FB implanted in his chest. You'll never separate him.
I cannot listen to Wildfire! It will take me back to early to tweenage tears.
Post has just been updated, he cackled.
I know! Res is an FB addict!
thunder, I can't get that last video to play. I've tried two million times.
The first one (These go to 11!), has embedding disabled by request...some stupit youtuber who doesn't know whose bread is getting buttered.
But the next one, and the new one! should be playable...at the same time, even.
The new one is playable! My inner-11 yr-old dislikes you.
Look at how you guys ridicule Billy Pilgrim while I'm off doing work.
I got it to play.
And now I'm sad again.
It's odd to see Brando's name popping up again. I keep thinking I'm dreaming and it's 2010.
I'm free to post again as I recently resolved my lawsuit for going astray in 1999.
My hair doesn't look like that.
My inner-11 yr-old dislikes you.
Now I have a sad that my inner child only goes up to 10.
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