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(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Ohio state Rep. Tim Grendell (R) said today that he will introduce legislation requiring Ohioans in need of unemployment benefits, welfare, or other government aid to take a drug test first. Patterned on Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s (R) new law, the bill, Grendell says, will force those seeking state aid “to pay for the drug tests” upfront — a payment that would only be repaid “if they pass.” If anyone fails the test two times, they will be banned from receiving aid for three years.
The Plain Dealer noted that the "heartbeat bill" is only one of five anti-abortion measures put forward in the Ohio state legislature since the start of the new session.
Legislators from Georgia and Texas have already asked for copies of Ohio's bill so they can introduce similar bills in their own states, the Plain Dealer reported.
"Let's just remember when 50 million lives are snuffed out - plus-50 million - think of all the artists, think of all the musicians, think of all the athletes, all the surgeons, all the science, all of the gifted children that we have lost because of this," he said. "What do we hear now? We hear statements such as there's not enough workers, there's not enough people working to support our Social Security, we don't have enough people working to support our pension systems. I guess that's what 50 million people lost will do to you."
Rep. Robert Mecklenborg, R-Cincinnati, said it is now his expectation that the Senate will vote on the House-passed photo-ID bill when it returns to session on July 13. Speaker William G. Batchelder, R-Medina, said there is an agreement with the Senate to move the bill.
WLWT has been working to confirm reports that the woman works as a stripper at a club in Lawrenceburg. No one at the club would confirm her employment, but an employee at the club told WLWT they would pass along a message to her.
Memo to Jay Carney: putting forth half-assed, small beer proposals that you know will accomplish little because you think, cynically, that’s what “independents” want is a stunt. It’s the definition of a stunt. It’s also craven and cowardly when we’ve still got over 9% of the country unemployed.
The prosecution showed Justice to be firmly aligned with Alabama’s then-governor, Republican Bob Riley, who had leveled the initial vote-buying accusations during a heated election-time political debate over gambling issues.
Riley initially launched the politically charged bingo investigation; it was then picked up by a U.S. Attorney’s office headed by Leura Canary, the wife of Riley’s campaign adviser. Local political figures cried foul, but Breuer insisted that the matter was being handled entirely by the main branch of the Justice Department.
The suppression of the Alabama bingo gambling industry, and the Justice Department’s prosecution of those associated with it, greatly benefited Mississippi’s Indian casino gambling operations by putting their principal competition out of business. In a sense, therefore, the bingo prosecution forms a coda to the tale of “Casino Jack” Abramoff, with the Justice Department playing a murky and controversial ongoing role.
Last fall, when Republicans wrested 20 state legislative chambers and 10 governorships from the Democrats, some on the left refused to accept the results.
The event was Perry's idea but was financed by the American Family Association, a Tupelo, Miss.-based group that opposes abortion and gay rights and believes that the First Amendment freedom of religion applies only to Christians.