The birds that made a nest by the basement door have given up on that location, and made a new nest...on a light that is at the front of the house by the porch entrance. Not exactly an improvement if it's peace and quiet they are looking for.

I finally have a couple pictures of one of them (albeit without many pixels...I've never gotten a shot up close).

And here's a picture I got of the pair back on April 14 (I just now noticed that it wasn't another random tree picture, of which I have a plethora):

They look like
Dark-eyed Juncos. How they get from
usually nest in a cup-shaped depression on the ground, well hidden by vegetation or other material, although nests are sometimes found in the lower branches of a shrub or tree to mossy nests under house rafters I do not know.
I got another picture of one of the Carolina Wrens yesterday:

View from the deck on April 13:

View from the deck this morning:
