A nest appeared in the rafters under the deck, just outside the basement sliding door. I've seen the builders several times. The first couple times, the lady who was sitting in the nest would drop down a few feet and do a hummingbird hover for a second or two, eying the horrible monster that had suddenly appeared at the door of the hidden cave. But I never managed to get even a semi-decent picture, these small, dark-gray birds are quite camera-shy.

I added a container stocked with flax seeds to the feeder mix. A couple of Song Sparrows flew in to check it out.

The Downy Woodpeckers and Nuthatches remain some of the less shy suet fans.

Carolina Wrens have found the area underneath the feeders to be a fine source of lunch (wren discussion here):

Well, the photos are gorgeous as usual...but that Please Do Not sign is CLASSIC. I may have to link to that a time or two.
much better than the prior post's images.
Please Do Not
Good advice in any situation.
Stacked billboards?
An obscenity surprisingly not seen in my neck of the woods. Only a matter of time, I s'pose.
You can probably get close to the sub-deck tenants at night. Have you used the improvised blind on this critter?
Well, the photos are gorgeous as usual...but that Please Do Not sign is CLASSIC.
It's like something out of a "Winnie the Pooh" story.
They don't seem to be around at night, BBBB. One bird has set on the nest while the other hangs around the area, but they haven't laid eggs or anything (that second pic is of inside the nest, taken with a ladder).
You'd think having the basement as a blind would be enough, but no.
Needs moar surveillance cameras.
"Please Do Not"
I should let that sign parent my 2 year old.
Looks like a gorgeous day, thundra.
"Please Do Not"
I should let that sign parent my 2 year old.
That made me laugh.
Please Do Not is extremely meme-worthy.
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