It it any wonder that I seek the solitude of the forest?

There are many pileated woodpeckers in the area, and I've been trying to get a good picture of one. They're very shy. This one was on the feeder when I snuck out to the temporary blind I set up on the screen porch, but he/she/it/bird heard the lens focusing and flew off to a nearby tree.

I usually seek the sounds of a bar.
Lovely photos, thundra. Looks like salve for the soul.
Love, love, LOVE the toad.
You can take alcohol into the forest, zrm.
By the way, the temperature just went up about 20 degrees an hour ago?!?!
It's now 74, sunny, and humid. Where did that come from?
You can take alcohol into the forest, zrm.
....I'll be back in several years.
I'm ready to escape to one of my pieces
Loving the toad.
That last picture is LOVELY!!
but the amphibian is totally giving me the stink eye.
It's now 74, sunny, and humid. Where did that come from?
I sent it over. It was in the mid 80's yesterday. While it was lovely, it was a little too much, a little too fast so I passed it on.
"Make a break for it, kids. Flee to the wilderness. The one within, if you can find it."
~ Utah Phillips
How about if I seek the Fortitude of the Soloist?
What is involved in pileating a woodpecker?
How about if I seek the Fortitude of the Soloist?
ZRM is evidently stalking Alexa Still.
Flutist? I thought it was flautist. Wackypodia tells me that one can be either.
It's a shame I shan't be back because I learn stuff here
mmm flautas
mmm flautas
You can say that again, Kathleen!
Hard to find solitude when this is happening all around.
Toad flautas?
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