BDR brought my attention to the sad fact that Dana Milbank had, once again, done what he is paid by Donald Graham and company to do: Make an ass of himself.

Aunt Snow has FAD Friday.
I'm not going to link to Milbank, I'll let Dean Baker take it away.
The crayfish looks delicious!
The centipede is awesome- love that color! Just be careful that it doesn't break all of your dishes.
Nice pants, thundra...
That centipede reminds me of something I found in the basement last night. Guh!!!
I bet that if that centipede were big enough, it would a) wear 100 pairs of those pants, and b) have a column at the Washington Post.
Previous appearance of the pants.
those pants are truly amazing.
nice linky Smut
Did the crayfish get an Acme safe dropped on it?
The trousers will ensure that the golfer will be found if they become lost in the rough.
But Psst! bud, yeah over here, I gotta tie for you
thanks for the link!!!
I think you get a free bowl of soup with those pants.
Points to Smut. My nostalgia is waxing all over.
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