I finally have a couple pictures of one of them (albeit without many pixels...I've never gotten a shot up close).

And here's a picture I got of the pair back on April 14 (I just now noticed that it wasn't another random tree picture, of which I have a plethora):

They look like Dark-eyed Juncos. How they get from usually nest in a cup-shaped depression on the ground, well hidden by vegetation or other material, although nests are sometimes found in the lower branches of a shrub or tree to mossy nests under house rafters I do not know.
I got another picture of one of the Carolina Wrens yesterday:

View from the deck on April 13:

View from the deck this morning:

Not exactly an improvement if it's peace and quiet they are looking for.
If this nest is a rockin', don't come a knockin'.
We have tons of juncos around here... however, I grew up hearing them called, "snowbirds".
Juncos? I wouldn't throw away such a pretty bird! We get a lot of slate-gray juncos in these parts- I love to see them fly off with a flash of white along their tails.
How they get from usually nest in a cup-shaped depression on the ground, well hidden by vegetation or other material, although nests are sometimes found in the lower branches of a shrub or tree to mossy nests under house rafters I do not know.
Movin' on up! Movin' on up!
The juncos were regular customers back in the olden days here, before Nutkin, Inc. destroyed all the seed feeders and we went with the suet.
I don't recall them acting this way, however. No doubt it's due to happy couple's nesting needs.
I was happy to note that the goldfinches in our area are back in their breeding clothes.
Mystery Birds?
But when you pull off the mask, it's just Old Man Fletcher.
I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling birds.
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