The famous Hibiscus, which was discovered by Christopher Columbus right here in Columbus in 1492.

Section II: Musical Interlude

(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
Oh baby! Those fleurs and T Rex was Helping Jennifer as well! T Rex has been on my mind for the past couple of weeks... I think because the Dark Shadows promos have been playing this. I'm also fond of 20th Century Boy.
You know... I still have this one of 45... :)
Also, thanks for the poochies.
WERE helping...
In my excitement, I used poor grammar.
I thought you were going with my last alt text tag, "I are large on the inside".
Anywho, I forgot the "orbs" tag.
I did like that last tag. :)
Dogs and hibiscus living together, mass hysteria.
I'm putting that puppy in my mouth and you can't stop me.
Good grief, those hibiscus flowers are as big as a face!
That they are, vs.
I first took pictures of this yard back in 2009.
Since then, it seems the hibiscus get bigger and fancier every year.
thunder- aren't some of those Northern Hibiscus? The heartier annual version for more northern areas? The leaves are slightly different than the normal tropical variety, and the blooms tend to be HUGE.
You mean Hardy Hibiscus, Hibiscus moscheutos?
I know these ones were in a greenhouse in the backyard until a couple of weeks ago.
Also, the lonk mentions "Each flower lasts for only 1 day ..." I'm almost certain that's not true with these, which means they're probably hybrids.
I feel I must challenge the claim that either of those creatures is a Blue Rhino. I mean, even the most cursory and preliminary classification eliminates any possibility that either of the pictured animals is Blue...
Oh, thudner! I have something here that's relevant to your interests.
What ls great is ORBS! plus its just a really neat photograph. I was happy I saw it.
Doesn't hibiscus make good tea?
mikey, they are Blue Rhinos on the inside.
Jim H, that is what I read on the internets, but I've never had it.
I've made tea with Peyote Buttons. It's nasty. But I think that's a feature, not a bug...
That dog is looking longingly at the tree!
I was told there was Science here.
That post got the 5 second rule, zrm.
But the video is here.
Oho, now there's RULES?
The famous Hibiscus, which was discovered by Christopher Columbus right here in Columbus in 1492.
But can you make a drink out of it?
There is no spoon!
There is no spoon!
Somebody has stoleded BBBB's DNA and is stamping out clones like NOBODY'S business.
In real life, I have about a 50/50 split between using "help" and "halp."
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