Much of my blog already consists of bushes and trees, but there's always room for
American Yellowwood (Cladrastis kentukea)
Unfortunately, many people have never seen the tree in bloom. The species is rare in the wild and seldom planted in yards. Also, most specimens don't flower profusely every year, but only at two to four year intervals.

I've walked by that tree in Schiller Park many times, but this is the first time I stopped and said, "WHOA!!!"
Somewhat nearby in German Village is this Tricolor Beech. "Like a Monte Carlo wearing 24 inch wheels they'll be lovers and haters out there but no one who doesn't notice."

While the irises (or irides, as S.C. there an app for that?) are neither bushes nor trees, they're too fantastic to pass up.

"You missed two classes and no homework." Wait, here's some homework, right here now! (And I'd like to take this moment to thank Jennifer for her expert tree identification assistance.)

Nice ducks. :)
You're still not finished.
You ask your mom, "Please?", but she still says, "No!"
I am not Jörd...
...Yes, you're young enough to be my daughter, but nonetheless that's how the song goes...
Ah yes... the boys of beastie...
I knew you'd have a prize assortment, (just your style) but an added bonus with that video for me!
Tricolor Beech. Want one now. Desire make vs talk like caveman.
Best I can do, VS.
Three colours for VS
No wonder the Yallerwood don't bloom ever yr., it's from Kain-tuck, & the offspring of cousin-graftin'.
Great shots here; especially the flowers of the yellow wood, the pink leaves with a touch of green.
Someone should give that mother duck a lesson in where to lay her eggs.
Say, that's a pretty nifty-looking plane, mikey.
Thanks, AK!
Also, this post was was informative, 'cuz I'd never heard of either of trees. They're both really really beautiful. *thinks of things to do with the tricolor*
Now if you could both explain to me why you linked to planes instead of trees, I'd feel slightly less confoosed.
Beechcraft, he explained.
Typical liberal esoteric smarty pants humor! I come here for the fart jokes!
Mikey started it!
I can't believe you beat me to the goslings pic. I've been stalking some nearbys waiting for the hatching.
Also, too, great pics. I'm a huge fan of Irises. Ever smelled a stinking iris?
Not I, Jim H.
ALSO! I wish to note that the 2nd Tricolor Beech is not the same as the first.
It's the other one in German Village, smaller and also with leaves more convenient to take a closeup.
I remember Beech-Nut. The candy though, not the jarred bacon.
I never ever get tired of Umbrella Girl
Gorgeous shots, thunder!
That Yellowwood is lovely - a new tree to me. Don't like the pink beech though - too unnatural for my taste...
The Video is ummm mood-enhancing. Love the ducks :)
We might not have your trees here in the UK - but Mallard ducks and Canada Geese are residents in spades!
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