David Gregory Describes Republican Position On Medicare As "Bold Leadership"
David "Fluffy" Gregory: So, Ruth Marcus, what wins here, bold leadership on Medicare and the argument that the Democrats won't do something courageous or the Democrats who say, hey, those guys want to take away my medicare?
Ruth Marcus: I regret to inform you that I think it's the latter.
One is tempted to think that neither these gasbags nor their bosses at G.E./The Washington Post Company are much worried about whether they will have Medicare when they get old.
Yes, Ruth, the debt situation is much worse than it was when Clinton was president. We have wars for rich people, tax cuts for rich people, and deregulation/bubble/bust/bailouts for rich people to thank for that. With all of your CONCERN! about the debt, I wonder why you mention none of these?
GE, Leader in Tax Evasion, Pays Virtually No Tax Yet Got Bailed Out in Crisis
Possibly related links:
Randal Graves:
...by the time I get around to see what's going on, someone's already at least approximated what my sentiments on said goings on, and with a better grasp of the English language.
Randal is right!
These people are demented. Medicare must be slashed and anybody who doesn't agree is a coward and a fool. But we are supposed to believe that the Corporate Parties of America are prepared to bring down the global economy out of a surfeit of fiscal rectitude and the corporate and financial elites who own them are too silly to understand it (unlike the very, very savvy Mr Brooks) and are completely without resources to stop it. This is considered to be a serious position.
Culture of Truth posts transcripts of the Sunday morning blowhard festivals (this one is from a week prior to the clip above):
Gregory: the Republicans are right of course -
we must end Medicare so are the Democrats going to do it or not?
Van Hollen: Fluffy you are a moron
Finally, for those who find the above all too depressing to bother thinking about, M.E. Nunly linked to this image in Randal's comments.