I was hoping to see some alligators on the trip to South Carolina, but I was not as lucky as Pinko. This picture is one I took with a Canon EOS 650 using film back in the 1980s. I've found that even the carefully stored negatives from those days do not yield photos as sharp as the originals, and I think taking a picture of the picture with the G12 gets better results (not to mention, being much easier).

Wow, you're really good with the Etch-A-Sketch.
See, Randal?
VS let you make the funny, and even laughed at your joke. My common taters are awesome like that.
Wheels within wheels, man.
My common taters are awesome like that.
I, a totally impartial person who is completely new to this blog and does not have a pink bunny hat, agree. Your common taters ARE awesome. Especially that VS chick. Man, she is awesome...witty, smart, and not to hard on the eyes! The whole package!
very meta
Now what if you went back in time and took a picture of yourself taking a picture of that alligator, then came back to the present and took a picture of yourself taking a picture of the picture, and then....
Uh oh, I feel a Scanners headache coming on.
ITTDGY does indeed need a Scanner.
That anonymous!
How I wish that I could remember how to tell a croc from an alligator as was detailed in a batman comic from my youth.
How I wish that I could remember how to tell a croc from an alligator as was detailed in a batman comic from my youth.
A croc is usually attached to Brett Favre...
Please do not spend any time at ALL considering what I might choose to do with a sock puppet with pink bunny ears.
Especially if it was soft and fluffy.
Please DO carry on...
Uh, that looks like a crocodile.
Which reminds me of a chocodile.
I dunno, I see a vase or two lumpy faces.
Well, Pinko, if you were carrying your Jekyll Island monster book around (while someone even bigger held your leash), you'd know there aren't any crocodiles there.
And as for you, Substance Mc_G, IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME...
It's a bunny NO IT'S A DUCK
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