Somehow, I forgot that I had these red onions in a rarely-used cupboard. Similarly, Google says it had a little problem with some 'routine maintenance'.
Here's their cover story. Sure thing, Blogger...routine maintenance! Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. But we know what really happened:

That's right...three different places on the internet report the existence of the secret Obama-Soros Internet Kill Switch. One of these is not even connected with this blog!
Now some among you had your own blogs disappear as well, but that was simply part of the test. There was a real target, and a real victim: Ann Althouse, of course!

Narcissus: Ann, honey, don't you think you're getting a bit full of yourself?

UPDATE! Via low sodium hunchback at Sadly, No!
troublemaker... :)
I'm simply reporting the facts, Jennifer.
Orbs are like onions.
Are you Joe Friday?
At the moment I am Ed Monday.
P.S. Hanx, fish. Orbs tag added.
Oh, who cares about Althouse.
What I wanna know is were the onions bitter? 'Cause sometimes when they sprout they get bitter, and quite a bit more sulfurous.
But if so, you can pickle 'em with some serano peppers and it's pretty freakin good...
Joe Thunder.
So, now the Intertubes are zombie? Is that interzombie or Zombietubes?
What I wanna know is were the onions bitter?
I only discovered those onions when I tried to move the newer bag of red onions to another place, so I just threw them out. Had I the ways and means, I might have tried the serrano pepper treatment.
P.S. zrm's new space added to the floating blogroll, we will have to see if it does, in fact, float (in contrast to Digby's and Roy's places).
that is beyond hilarious
Nothing wrong w/ mohawked onions, as long as they aren't too soggy.
I just noted that two of the experts you quote, ARE YOU!!!
Riddled Industries and Carpet Laying Tool Manufacturers always uses experts with different names, always.
we will have to see if it does, in fact, float
Floating zombies: not so good. There's bloat and everything.
Floating zombies: not so good. There's bloat and everything.
Also ruins the "sink the boat to escape" plan.
Heh heh... "fearing the Althouse blog".
One can but hope for an epic courtroom battle between Ann Althouse on one side and Google's full legal team on the other.
1) Onions: Per Wackypedia, The amount of sulfenic acids and LF released and the irritation effect differs among Allium species. On January 31, 2008, the New Zealand Crop and Food institute created a strain of "no tears" onions by using gene-silencing biotechnology to prevent synthesis by the onions of the lachrymatory factor synthase enzyme.[30]
However, the link is dead. Is this true, upsidedownies?
2) Don't forget, Ann Althouse will have manservant Hecubus at her side.
Kill Switch is one of my favorite X-Files episodes. I'm glad to see our overlords share the sentiment.
I can find no mention here of no tear onions but did find this mangled English report at Bible-coaching .com
I think some one was having a joke and sited it here because everyone knows this is nowhere.
Also, no mention of dr. Colin Eddie anywhere. he may be one of the Eddies in the space/time continuum.
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