To that end, perennial candidate John Raese (R) may need to sharpen his message a bit. Here's the conservative candidate yesterday, appearing on a radio show:
HOST: Tell us a little bit about you and your business experience and how you got here.
RAESE: I made my money the old-fashioned way, I inherited it. I think that's a great thing to do. I hope more people in this country have that opportunity as soon as we abolish inheritance tax in this country, which is a key part of my program.
Colbert asked to leave Judiciary hearing
By Donovan Slack, Globe Staff
At least one lawmaker was not amused.
Comedian Stephen Colbert had barely seated himself at a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing this morning when US Representative John Conyers, Democrat of Michigan, asked him to leave. Conyers said the committee had not seen so many reporters at a hearing since presidential impeachment proceedings in the late 1990s, and he wanted Colbert to leave so that the committee could carry on with its work.
Colbert, however, did not budge, saying that he was present at the invitation of the hearing chair, US Representative Zoe Lofgren, Democrat of California. But Colbert said if Lofgren wanted him to leave, he would.
Lofgren said she wanted him to stay, and a good portion of Capitol Hill was glued to broadcasts of the hearing.
Mary Jo is a strong supporter of the public option and has been one of the most vocal members on protecting Social Security. She was an original co-signer on the Grijalva letter to stop the cat food commission from enacting any cuts to Social Security benefits.
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