Pretty butterfly. I was hoping it was an Orbed Sulphur, but they don't live around here.
Here's a better picture of a Persius Duskywing. I was guessing this one was a Persius or else a Dreamy Duskywing. Based on the bottom two pictures here, I'm saying Erynnis persius.

I saw a dead skunk (not in the middle of the road) on the way home. I did not take a photo.
Also, I love the name, "Sooty hairstreak butterfly". It sounds like a name a sibling would have given it. :)
Was the skunk stinking to High Heaven?
P.S. The Sooty Hairstreak seems well-named.
I did a drive-by so don't know if the skunk was stinkin' to high heaven. It had not reached technicolor proportions yet either.
Grizzled and I were talking of how it was all bloaty and stiff... which somehow turned into bloatystiffen, which we said sounded like a nice German word. :) I'm sure Von could appreciate. The stinktier was all bloatystiffen!
Yes, the Sooty Hairsteak is well-named, although it also looks like unraveled fabric, or something such as...
I saw a dead skunk (not in the middle of the road) on the way home. I did not take a photo.
We had a jaunty little catbird fly into a glass pane at work. Likewise, I did not take a photo. I had considered writing about it, in a post titled "Death of a Troubadour", but I went for a less melancholy topic.
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