(More pictures of some sort or another to be added later.) How about the mountain laurels? They haven't been featured, lately.

I guess I should replant M.L. 5...it's been there over two years, and is clearly making no progress. And M.L. 3 needs a Bambi Fence™.
Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Shouldn't the horse be running inside a zorb?
So you ignore the oilfield workers of America representative Frac Daddy Very typical of the badger clutching, Mr Thundra ITIHRN.
Mother Nature frowned on Frac Daddy.
And, as orbs are wont to do, he just came out of nowhere.
i've been sitting on your page ag. while going about looking for my reading specs, .. can't find , ..sto ps and tries to look in at the lovely gre nery ,gets er nos' caught on a fence , ouch ,doe
and i noted the more "lovely filth "ag. ..last night
The person we hired to cut down the tree made the stump chair and foot stool afterwards, anne.
All with his chainsaw.
Before him, we had some other guys come in to cut down a tree next to it. There were four of them, and a huge truck. Much more expensive, took longer, and no fancy stump and foot rest, either.
I think M.L. #5 is in too much shadow.
if.. , back in for a min. , that sounds like something of my older brother and the way he works as a wood worker /artist, son of an arch. drafts man /nice, that is what the three of us have in common ,..my dad , my older brother ,and i , we all make things like that , but mine are all very feminine while being close to the grounding .. of not far removed ..of a finer recy ling
Somehow I knew you'd post 'Orb' pics.
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