Heavy and continuous rain last week brought some chaos to the birds busy raising their chicks in our neighborhood. The azaleas were full of blossoms, and the rain caused their branches to droop. Next thing you know, fledglings were running around the yard.

That nest belonged to some sparrows (this is Mr. Sparrow). I considered putting the cardinal chick in it, but figured he/she/it/baby cardinal would hop right back out, and it was too small anyways. Plus, the parents were looking out for it, and as our back yard is Theda's back yard, I never see any cats in it.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
We had a nest right outside our window this Spring. Two cardinal chicks. The parents were waking us up each morning, but we discovered the nest was occupied, then Goob got to watch and see the eggs, and then get to see the chicks and the parents feeding them and then two weeks (less than) after hatching, they fledged and we didn't see them. The bush was low so we were worried about snakes and cats, but they made it the whole way through. Hope they are doing well in the world!
Choas top be admired.
Gosh, you can tell you live in a warmer clime than I do!! Those are azaleas?? In bloom, now??
Love the cardinals, though.
No matter what theme Carmi gives us you always please my eyes with something really awesome! I wish I had some blossoms like that, but I fear not so much this year. Barely any of my tulips came to life this year.... so sad!!! My bunnies are kind of sad around here too, but their are a few things for them to chew!
I love watching the birds at this time of year. We have a bumper crop of robins in this area of North America! Lovely photos, thank you!
Except for the shadiest, our azaleas disappeared a couple weeks ago—right after the Masters.
You did right to leave the birdies alone. If you touch them, their parents will reject them because of your smell.
Not saying you stink. Just sayin'...
You did right to leave the birdies alone. If you touch them, their parents will reject them because of your smell.
Being pedantic, I have to say that this is a myth. Very few birds, vultures being a notable exception for obvious reasons, can smell worth a damn.
Love your take on Chaos :) Hope the little birdies are doing well!
They are about done now, Gilly, but they had a good 4 weeks or so.
i wandered in to the lav. and lilac for a few days .. .
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