It just so happens I've been working on a gardening project. Eastern Redbud, to be precise.

Project Underway

P.S. I'd meant to post something on Thematic Photographic 241 - Pairs, but never got around to it.
A pair of cardinals:

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
I am very impressed by your photos, and think this is really a cool project! Not so many spring projects are in the works for me yet, as my thought of them are all on hold as it's snowing again, as I write this. Seriously! Your shadow work in the photos is awesome too!
Looks like Theda is vegetating, too!
Lovely light and shade in your vegetative pictures. It looks as if Theda is surprised by the sunshine :)
I like that second pic very much. You actually eat those buds?? What do they taste like? Does the tree complain about being stripped of its flowers? ;)
I notice Theda is always close at hand - she seems to be trained well as an assistant!
Oh, and the two tulips are Great!!
" , and what got me through something of the morning - "richie havens -going back to my roots " .. if you have trouble finding the clip with those few words ..let me know," on blackd' / and of budding - " my breasts just broke their road safety latch .. meaning ..back in from my ,..nice day walk.. . " " ouch
Too lazy (& vegetative) to put the camera on the tripod & learn how to use the timer. Which I'd have to do because I'm the only shootable vegetable around.
Don't the stems get in your teeth?
bouf' ,that's floss, said still up drawing . .. .
Our weekend paper showed some salads which included violas and primulas; I've never used anything like that and you've added Rebud to the list. My test would be whether Theda would eat them.
Project? What are you, some suburban 2.5 kid minivan housey DIY clown? You should be drinking and vomiting more, dammit.
Redbud salad is really good. It's light, crisp, has a very slight citrus taste.
Nope, those little stems don't get caught at all...their texture is the same as the petals.
sh' comes back to sit on if.. 's paging .. .
i think that i have been living the whole morning on something of that deck in my mind , from the tub sit ..of making things as i also do as an artist , tiny things like something of if with his flowering .. some sewing ,not ever of a followed pattern of another ..but of instincts,my own . can't draw in the tub ..of too wet , and all of the day dreaming sleepy .., need that air .. of the tub away from the corner wall in there ..and thoughts of the open air .. , now need to put my foot(s) up for a bit in those tu two lip slippers .. .
Our westcoast redbuds are quite lovely, too. I will post a photo or two, in a bit.
I just had some redbud blossoms as a snack this morning. Tasty!
i was looking back a little ..on ..of this post wondering ..a few days ago and i found a chair that you made ?of a the wooded ,i liked it
the wondering about.. of your salad and gardening .. .,said sh' ..never says enough
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