Thanks to naked capitalism for finding this. They have something good every day, you all should visit!
Also...How about a giant, fluorescent pink slug?

And here is the youtuber Pinko suggested.
Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Stealing from Gary Larson: In the wild, they'd be natural enemies, but they were raised together as pups.
There is a 5 minute youtube or maybe longer that summarizes the whole thing. It will make you cry!
Youtuber added.
Dog on dolphin - ok. Pink fluorescent slugs? Nah. Aussie jokers having a laugh, matey. Is it April 1st?
Oh that first photo just set the day for me...life is good, and I shall live with gusto, and that is all!
Pink fluorescent slugs in Australia... Let me be genre savvy.
Guaranteed fatal, possibly merely extremely poisonous, more likely can ooze up to 100kM/h while in pursuit of prey, swarm over you, and skeletonize you within parsecs.
I call for an end to fidolatry.
Fluorescent slugs also featured at Boing Boing.
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