Here we have some smoke from a barbecue. (You'll have to imagine the happy chatter and laughter.)

Once again, a nice day for golf. And there wasn't even that much lightning!

Here we have a grey.

Now I don't have any photos to match that artist's impression, but I do have orbs.

(Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
Yeah your eyes have a mist like the smoke from a distant fire...
Oh I could hear it, I was wondering who was having so much fun, on a grey day! Ha! Ha! Great photos, especially your dreamy woods with orbs!
Are wet weather orbs more or less mind controlling?
Yes, of course, A.K.
Much lightning? Out golfing, swinging a metal pole in the air. Any lightning would be scary.
Great photos though. Love the orbs, but how did you get the alien to stand still?
Phil Collins.
Beautiful and ethereal. Love the orbs!
Phil Collins
...was a GREY!
Now it all makes sense!
Nice orb shots, thundra.
I was actually hoping to see Theda dressed up as Eeyore.
Now that would worth seeing
I walked down to the lake today to see what there was to see (hadn't been down there in a couple days).
The last few nights it's gotten down to 55 degrees. I didn't see any Pondhawks or Blue Dashers, and just a couple of Flying Cheetos were making their rounds.
Love the smoke - and the pink shed!
And the woods with the orbs!
I got a boat.
Somewhere, Nutkin is weeping.
Boy! The orbs were plenty-ful, weren't they? Were the unemployment cheques out? Were they out buying their smokes and alcohol?
I'm sorry.. I"m in "a mood" again. Ignore me.
I call foul. You totally bokeh cheated. YOUR ORBS ARE A LIE, SIR!
I love the orbs, and find myself wondering how you captured them so exquisitely. Each of these shots has a lovely mood. I could almost hear the happiness bubbling under from the BBQ smoke!
Delightful on so many levels!
You totally bokeh cheated.
I had no idea that prefabricated orbs were a thing. Are they as good as the ones you make yourself?
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