Wow! Emo or not, I hope they look back eventually and realize how much loveliness they bring to the planet. Hopefully that'll make 'em smile a bit. Assuming butterflies can smile, of course :)
those butterflies look pretty content, doing what...uh...some butterflies do...feasting on the filth down there! emo-ish. are they wearing tiny earbuds? can u hear what's playing>? i like the depressing makes me not so depressed. do butterflies even have ears?!
You know what? Amongst my unused pictures, I think I might have one of those black form Yellow Swallowtails.
I'll have to search the archives.
Wow! Emo or not, I hope they look back eventually and realize how much loveliness they bring to the planet. Hopefully that'll make 'em smile a bit. Assuming butterflies can smile, of course :)
You bet, Carmi.
I've seen their smiley faces!
It's like you are just asking for me to post the depressing mutant Japanese butterfly link again.
Much as it sounds like it, that is not a veiled MST3K movie reference.
Heh. They should be fluttering over this way, cuz I just downloaded some Say Anything and some Promise Ring.
Although I always just called that stuff pop-punk.
Oh but of course they can smile! ..and just listen to their chatter! Great photos!
How much blacker could those butterflies get? The answer is none, none more blacker.
Here's zrm's Oh, No! There Goes TOKYO! link.
"help! help! come see the violence inherent in the system!" (did I get that quote right?) haha - repressed butterflies. Nice.
Oops, I should have watched the video first. Quote wasn't quite right - but it was from memory. ;)
ha! monty python...always hilarious!
those butterflies look
pretty content, doing what...uh...some butterflies do...feasting on the filth down there! emo-ish. are they wearing tiny earbuds? can u hear what's playing>? i like the depressing makes me not so depressed.
do butterflies even have ears?!
Hehe, I like Emo Butterlies! :)
How much blacker could those butterflies get? The answer is none, none more blacker.
Fuligin flutterbyes.
In some, such as the male notodontid Gluphisia septentrionis, this is released in forced anal jets at 3 second intervals.
I can do that.
Jet powered butterflies! This is why they can affect the weather in England from Brazil.
P.S. Presented for your edification.
I wanted to rate the left one hot.
Yet I could not.
I think a strongly-worded letter to the editor is called for, S_McG.
The best views of butterflies are always from behind.
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