Appalachian Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly A Hybrid Species Of Two Other Swallowtails

UPDATE: Here is a Flying Cheeto sharing its twig with a Blue Dasher (not a Common Pondhawk). The name of this picture is "July 2012 r 019 crop". See mikey, I do have a system...

(Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
Those are gorgeous! I wish I could take pretty pictures like you. :)
Man, that's not just some pretty good spangled fritillary.
That is one GREAT spangled fritillary.
I mean, dude, c'mon, check out those spangles. AWESOME.
These days you see fritillaries that are hardly spangled at all. People try to pass them off as spangled, even going so far as to say they're great.
I'm pretty sure the banksters are behind it all...
They're just a happy family.
I'm happy you shared them with us too!
Somewhere in my July 2012 pics folder I have a Flying Cheeto sharing a twig with either a Blue Dasher or a Common Pondhawk.
I'll find it...(only 1,148 items in there).
Gotta love those thistles. If you get them young, you can peel them (careful-SPINY) and cook them. They taste like artichokes. The Queen Anne's Lace (white flowers in ant and butterfly pic) is a wild carrot.
Eat the weeds, bay-bee!
I'll find it...(only 1,148 items in there).
Tags, keywords and associated meta data is your friend, Thundra.
Make it easy on yourself, and hang some search terms on your images...
How do you get them to stay still for you?
Hair spray.
They taste like artichokes.
Or to put it another way, artichokes -- being over-sized thistles -- taste like thistles.
Aunt Snow, when it comes to bull thistle and butterfly bush, the butterflies don't need much encouragement. They don't stay still, but they stay in the area.
I do not recommend hair spray...Mister S.C.'s methods (IF that is his real name!) are unsound.
P.S. mikey, post is updated.
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