Sadly, the world was denied the benefits this potential feesh might have brought us, as Mr. Page swam down a different stream.
Meanwhile, Jennifer is Saying Yes to going way back...back into time. Back when a drum solo was a drum solo.
Perhaps I will have more to say about these topics.

UPDATE: Per reader request. These were taken in Schiller Park on April 15.

I think we'd all be better off w/ more drum solos.
Oops, I slipped back into the 21st Century... but, that is not stopping me from enjoying the lervely drum solos with my coffee.
Hey... how about fewer cat photos and MOAR DOGS!
I've found once again that LZ's Rock and Roll cannot be played loudly enough.
Even going to eleven doesn't quite do it.
♪ If it keeps on rainin', levee's gonna break and there goes my carefully set up biosphere observation equipment
If it keeps on rainin', levee's gonna break and there goes my carefully set up biosphere observation equipment
When the levee breaks, who cares, tenure says I can stay ♫
Yay! Dahgs!!
Just this week I stumbled across a 2009 Documentary film by Davis Guggenheim called "It Might get Loud".
The film is a discussion between Jimmy Page, The Edge and Jack White on the topic of Guitars, music and the creative process.
It's both charming and fascinating, and if you haven't seen it I'd strongly recommend it...
I always thought of Mr Page as more of an oceanographer.
Meanwhile, Jennifer is Saying Yes to going way back...back into time. Back when a drum solo was a drum solo.
In the Garden of Eden by I. Ron Butterfly
Ha ha, just reading these comments after being over at Jennifer's pad. Seems we're on the, page, so to speak. :)
Nice pics, thunder.
It Might Even Be On Youtube.
(That's part two...part one is blocked in my country.)
Good morning, Shundra!
Shun On Harvest Moon
It Might Get Loud was interesting, mikey, but I didn't find it terrible compelling. Jimmy Page grinning goofily while playing old R&B 45s just made him seem like some nearly-senile uncle.
And when the three guitarists finally stopped teasing and played together, it was...underwhelming.
Shun on you crazy diamond!
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