Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs has a derivative exposure of $44.192 Trillion dollars. The $1 Trillion pillars towers are double-stacked @ 930 feet (248 m). The White House is standing next to the Statue of Liberty.
Goldman Sachs has advantage(s) over other banks because it has awesome connections in US Government. A lot of former Goldman employees hold high-level US Government positions (chart).
Mitt Romney's top donor is Goldman Sachs, and one of Obama's best donors.
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And By Shunstance McShunitas (IF that is his real name)
Thunder makes jokes about the 'oo. He will pay!!!
Oh yeah? Well, that sloth has hair like Rod Blagojevich so why the hell do you care what it thinks?
'oo me, A.K.? I'm merely trying to get a jerb in the movie advertising biz.
I was afraid this sloth was going to shun me if I didn't update my blog, vs.
Awesome, totally awesome, way to go Goldman.
Happy Monday, Shundra!
I'm happy it's not raining. But the wind is N at 26 mph, and it's getting down to 36 tonight.
Now I know why they haven't brought out the tropicals at Frank Fetch Park yet.
That sloth and I seem to have a lot in common this morning.
T-t-t-talkin' 'bout my g-g-g-generation.
Hey, those were fun pictures at the possibly related content. And by fun I mean appalling.
So? Did you wake up in the middle of the night again or did Morpheus allow you to stay in his arms?
Morpheus gave me the gift of bad dreams.
Did you at least take some pictures so we can see?
No, I was in classes and studying the wrong thing so I got C's on tests.
They were both bad, and boring. Or maybe it was all one really long dream. A Lazy Ronald would have been better.
No, I was in classes and studying the wrong thing so I got C's on tests.
I usually have the "Finding out I'm enrolled in 5 classes I never went to, but it's finals day!" dream. Or... finding out even though I graduated from college, I missed some crucial class in high school (how to match socks, or something of similar importance) and must go back. Another popular stress dream usually involves vehicles going backwards, and no amount of braking seems to help.
Another popular stress dream usually involves vehicles going backwards, and no amount of braking seems to help.
Shundra is now shunning his own blog.
Who, me?
No, I'm just considering whether to put up more pictures, or blast our corrupt war-monger Preznit and the people who shill for him.
I would just start a new blog, thunder.
I have.
Sorry I can't listen to your song right now.'
Thanks to V.S. ... I'm now busy listening to "Round and Round" by Ratt....
Gotta go.. it's time for my air guitar solo...
I'm now busy listening to "Round and Round" by Ratt....
Around and around!
I think shundra must branch out and do a post that is neither nature nor politically related...
Gauntlet... TOSSED!
I usually have the "Finding out I'm enrolled in 5 classes I never went to, but it's finals day!" dream. Or... finding out even though I graduated from college,
I have this type, disturbingly frequently.
Morpheus gave me the gift of bad dreams.
Try the blue pill next time.
Gauntlet... TOSSED!
Boggle...Would one on pricing the options embedded in the T-bond future work? (Vintage: do to the nature of the underlying bonds eligible for delivery, lots of those don't mean much, anymore.)
I love you Thunder! Your photos always give me a smile...thank you sweet man. ;-)
And VS is a gem too!
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