So I decided to pick some of these wonderful flowers and make a salad. I read somewhere that they have a bitter taste, but that is not true at all. Arugula has a bitter taste. This is closer to the truth.
I didn't have any other greens to mix with the flowers, so I just ate those in the bowl with pepper, olive oil, and rice vinegar for dressing. It was delicious! And you could just as easily add the flowers to a regular salad, to add extra flavor, nutrition, and color.
Also, they're free! See avid forager B^4 for more.

P.S. I've taken 186 pictures since I last downloaded what was on the camera on Tuesday. Here are a few more.

Suet feeder blogging has been absent since the remote for the camera stopped working. Fortunately, this Downy Woodpecker let me approach to a point that was even closer than any I've used to date with the tripod.

(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)
When I was in college, 'redbud salad' referred to a particular latenight condition of mind that was conducive to, say, King Crimson or Pink Floyd, not a mesclun of flowers.
Redbud! Redbud!
The redbud salad would be even better with a little woodpecker meat on top.
SO NICE. this just makes me happy as I'm stuck in the office for 4 more hours.
An all-flower salad sounds very decadent...like something a fairy would eat. thudner, are you a fairy?
Let me jump off the deck and see if I can fly with my gossamer wings...
That would be a no, vs.
P.S. feesh, I think I'm gonna have to refer your suggestion to plover.
Ooooh, that's rough...you 're more penguin than fairy.
Honk! Honk! Honk!
I've got a bunch of geese photos, too, but they're going to have to wait in the cooler.
There are a couple of geese from some nearby pond that waddle their way around this one part of my neighborhood... It seems weird. Evan doesn't seem really impressed, which is weird, cuz he seems to think the cats are like THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD.
You took pictures of what are obviously orbs and didn't put an orb tag on this post. How will we all know exactly when and where you spotted all the orbs you've seen if you don't tag them correctly?
Yay to eating redbuds, I had no idea! Actually yay to all these pics; I do like to see the puny works of man surrendering to the embrace of the earth, and the works of woodpeckers defying gravity. I hear them doing their spring hammer-song here in Jersey, but rarely see them. However once, a few miles away near a woodland pond, I saw a pileated clinging majestically to a tree. It was big as a crow, at least, and had a crest like a spearhead. Mythological looking.
Hey, I'd be really happy to live in that house.
Carefree hiway, we've seen better days...
Thanks for the link, old chum! Gotta look for some redbud trees...
Fortunately, this Downy Woodpecker let me approach to a point that was even closer than any I've used to date with the tripod.
I find that the red-bellied woodpeckers are more approachable.
Your pictures are much prettier than my pictures, and you've got a secret underground supervillain lair under those ruins, don't you.
Mandos, I have to hand it to you. I included that moon photo specifically so that the orbs tag would apply, and then I FORGOT. (/Steve Martin voice)
Li'l Innocent, I saw two Pileated Woodpeckers right by the house yesterday, but of course they fled the area as soon as they me reach for the camera.
and...What Ruins?
Where's the rolling thunder video? Not posting since the sizzling pan rain dominates? You still sound different on the phone... rain or no rain.
Also, it has been a banner woodpecker season. Everywhere I've gone, whether my backyard, or various states... woodpeckers are dominating the bird scene.
I need to move, because your countryside is a lot prettier than mine. Or maybe you're just way better at capturing the beauty of the outdoors. Either way, it's a joy to see this through your eyes.
Also been several good years for peckerwoods, Jennifer.
Bird life here in the Denver airport is surprisingly rich.
Thank you for the kind words, Carmi.
P.S. In the interests of science!, I must mention that while I have identified the above damselfly as a Familiar Bluet, it could also be a Northern Bluet.
I've been awake all night with this on my conscience...Now I feel peace at last.
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