Live Action at JFK!

Due to "nonarrival of plane", my flight is now scheduled to leave two hours later than planned. However, it takes forever to upload photos at the Healthy Gourmet wireless center, so this is it for now. (I am grateful for the free wifi...charging people for internet access when you've stranded them in an airport seems like piling on, to me.)
Here's hoping my Delta flight doesn't end up like this one.

One day you must tell us what you do, thunder. The constant travelling is tres mysterious.
Btw, if you've ever divulged your occupation, please chalk my being out of the loop up to my being a busy, distracted idiot.
Happy travels, delays aside, thudner.
Once upon a time, he told stories about buildings in a horrible place.
Safe travels, thunder!
Danged short runways! Happy trails Thundra
Yeah, I want to know more too!
Shall we just go ahead and start guessing??
Hmmmm.... I'm going to say International Man of Mystery. You're Austin Powers.. admit it!!!!!
good luck! sorry I laughed really hard at "nonarrival of plane"
Pretty sure I see the glowing eyed cat by that crashed up plane....
Don't look at me.
"state flower" "shipment of coke": good stuff.
Q: How do you get blooger to do those cool 'mouse over' labels?
Fly fast, fly free, young sparrow.
I made it!
Left the house before 7 A.M. and got into the room a little after 6 P.M. (EST). Man are my arms tired!
P.S. Do the words "multifamily underwriter" mean anything to you? (They don't to me...not anymore!)
P.P.S. Jim, use
title="your label here"
in the list of ascii code.
[a href="http://www.netmechanic.com/news/vol6/html_no1.htm" title="more info here"]Using ALT And TITLE Attributes[/a]
Replace those square brackets with angle brackets, and you have this:
Using ALT And TITLE Attributes
Let me see if I can explain it this way. Thunder does with money what Barney does with Pizza.
Got it? Cool.
What I want to hear is the local sammich name. Do they have a local sammich in vegas? Grinder? Research must be done!
Barney frank? Barney the dinosaur?
Thanks. I may explore!
So, which governments are you working on toppling this week, Flint?
The government of MGM Casino, R.G.
Stinson? Come on.
I hear you can make a pretty good living off skinned orbs.
ginandtacos has your number, thundra.
But what I'm aware of in Vegas is how *forced* it all seems–how the people there are actively *trying* to have a good time.
He's talking about golf.
My first (of two) visits to Vegas was in the context of a three month road trip- three of us left the Grand Canyon and drove to Vegas, where we stayed at the $13 a night Aztec Hotel and Casino. It was the kind of place where one expected to find a dead hooker stuffed under the bed. Since we'd been doing a lot of camping, we decided to catch up on our laundry. The laundromat had nickel slots. After two days, we got the hell out of town and drove to the gorgeous Death Valley, where we resumed our habit of camping.
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