How Many Cattails are Okay?
This is largely up to the owner to decide, based on his or her management goals. Many pond owners prefer not to have any cattails because of their explosive ability to spread and the subsequent effort required to manage them. Other owners like areas of cattails because of the natural, pleasing aspect of them and for their value as fish and wildlife habitat.
If you are an owner desiring some cattails, it is important for you to physically mark the areas you desire cattails and then prevent their spread outside the area. This requires occasional vigilance by the owner.
In other words, you have to rap their noses. /tradition

Doesn't a picnic at night in the woods need a bong?
Or a sacrifice to Satan.
What do you do with the rest of the cats? Satan can't eat all of 'em.
"Gee, the kids don't post many Led Zeppelin videos these days, do they?"
Does the dog have a "mature understanding of the Zeppelin"?
How Many Cattails are Okay?
As many as you can stuff into your mouth.
If you are an owner desiring some cattails, it is important for you to physically mark the areas you desire cattails and then prevent their spread outside the area. This requires occasional vigilance by the owner.
In other words, you have to rap their noses
I prefer to piss in the pond.
"Gee, the kids don't post many Led Zeppelin videos these days, do they?"
I just posted Battle of Evermore the other day. But I can post it again if it makes you feel better.
"How Many Cattails are Okay?"
You should endevour to always have the same number of cattails as you have cats.
Cattails are lovely, but my god how the cats scream when you try plant them.
I see, as usual, having a joke at the ready before reading the comments only serves to embarrass us all.
In NZ we have Typha orientalis but they are called Bullrushes or Raupo. I have not eaten any.
Important bird photographs for ITTDGY.
Pretty bird, S.C.
My remote sensor triggering device stopped working, hence the lack of woodpecker and nuthatch pics on this blogue, lately.
I routinely mark my territory. It is somewhat less satisfying since the Ocelot came around. She is much more prolific, not to mention pungent. You wouldn't think a big cat would be that fond of asparagus.
But I have nonetheless learned something of critical importance here today. You see, I have for years been trying to Wrap their noses, to the frustration of all involved.
I do have one question though, if I might. Does the world REALLY end just beyond the pick-a-nick table? Because I would suggest that might make a generally poor pick-a-nick site...
Doesn't a picnic at night in the woods need a bong?
It's just a relief not to have those scary orbs hovering around.
Zeppelin will never die. Thanks for the reminder though, I'm gonna post something of theirs right now.
mikey's right, the Infinity Picnic Table is quite an architectural Innovation.
I doubt that I am the only one, however, who is completely unsurprised that mikey is also related to Yogi Bear.
"The Pick-a-nick Table at the End of the World" would be a good Lord Dunsany story.
I see it more as Harlan Ellison, Smut.
thunder, I recommend bailing on Vegas and driving around to the canyons. Prettier and cheaper.
There's a bunch of others involved in the annual golf debacle, zrm.
Speaking of which, I have to get to bed...flight is early. Maybe I'll put up some of my Tuesday photos from some airport.
Also, I recommend taking many pictures of the TSA agents and process.
This is, after all, still America.
There's a bunch of others involved in the annual golf debacle, zrm.
Bail on them, Grab the most likely compadre, a bottle of tequila, several six-packs of beer, and a canister of ether, and hit the desert in a red convertible. What could possibly go wrong?
Speaking of which, I have to get to bed...flight is early.
I find it difficult to believe that it hasn't occurred to you to spend all night and the early hours in the strip clubs near the airport and hit the plane with a hearty lack of sleep and an entertaining bloodstream.
I am SUCH an excellent influence.
I am available for children's parties.
a bottle of tequila, several six-packs of beer, and a canister of ether
So I come home form the bottle store and discover that ZRM is reading my shopping list.
a good Lord Dunsany story.
Raw material for phopping a pick-a-nick table into:
Also too.
Great pictures! Anytime you can squeeze Led Zeppelin and Rush together in the same post, it's a great thing! :)
Led Zep says to me: big brothers cute friends, with me an eleven year old gawker and show-off, with late afternoon sun coming in the living room windows and bursting to the seams with delight!
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