So I decided to pick some of these wonderful flowers and make a salad. I read somewhere that they have a bitter taste, but that is not true at all. Arugula has a bitter taste. This is closer to the truth.
I didn't have any other greens to mix with the flowers, so I just ate those in the bowl with pepper, olive oil, and rice vinegar for dressing. It was delicious! And you could just as easily add the flowers to a regular salad, to add extra flavor, nutrition, and color.
Also, they're free! See avid forager B^4 for more.

P.S. I've taken 186 pictures since I last downloaded what was on the camera on Tuesday. Here are a few more.

Suet feeder blogging has been absent since the remote for the camera stopped working. Fortunately, this Downy Woodpecker let me approach to a point that was even closer than any I've used to date with the tripod.

(Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)