Will types up the usual Perry b.s., and ignores what he's actually done in Texas (Current two year budget shortfall: $27 billion). This caught my eye:
Supposed examples of Perry’s extremism evaporate in sunlight. One is that he intimated support for Texas’s secession from the Union. After people shouted “Secede!” at a rally, he said that he understood their frustration but added: “We’ve got a great union. There is absolutely no reason to dissolve it.” He signed a law requiring women seeking abortions to be shown sonograms of their babies. Do people objecting to this mandatory provision of information object to the new graphic warnings on cigarette packs?
An appalling example of the apples-oranges argument typical of alleged 'small government' hypocrites like George Will.
Cigarettes are an addictive product sold for profit that has been known to cause cancer for decades.
An abortion is a personal decision. All the medical advice necessary is provided by a doctor with years of training.
Got that, Will? You're nothing but an authoritarian propagandist, shilling for those with power and money.
he also knows shit about baseball.
That's weak brown drizzle even for Will.
But then, whatever ethical guidance system he ever had malfunctioned some years ago and he's been going down trailing smoke and leaking fluids ever since...
Mikey, so has the entire WaPo editorial page under Fred Hiatt.
The paper doesn't even have an ombudsmoose any more. They have a 'factchecker', but his job does not include factchecking the people who write for the Post.
Fu kit, Will, our asses haven't recovered from the LAST "exceptional Texan" you forced down our throats.
His pray-for-rain weekend didn't do much good either.
Can't tell ya how badly I want this douchenozzle to run...so I can watch him squirm while he's asked about his secession comments AGAIN AND AGAIN. AND AGAIN.
Once I had that first abortion it was like I couldn't stop.
He signed a law requiring women seeking abortions to be shown sonograms of their babies.
I am sure his use of the word "baby" rather than "fetus" or "embryo" was an honest mistake.
The necessity of viewing a sonogram of the fetus makes perfect sense for otherwise the women seeking abortions might not realise they were pregnant.
Does Will say nothing about Hairbag's Crazy4Jeebus activities? Doesn't he have have another "non-denominational" yet all for Jeebus show coming up?
The good news is that they've provided a perfectly serviceable baseline for determinining at what point they should be taken seriously once again.
And that is, simply, when they feel it's safe to stop lying. When they can come out and say what they're for, and why it is something the electorate should support, then they can be welcomed back on the political stage.
But in the meantime, when even they know that their excuses and justifications won't hold water, and their goals are merely to support and advance an authoritarian plutocracy at the expense of anyone who is not already rich, they know they have to lie and dissemble, and we know that we don't even need to bother turning over the rocks, the fact of the lies tells us to back away quickly, all the while watching their hands carefully...
"Once I had that first abortion it was like I couldn't stop."
I know, right?! Good times, good times...
otherwise the women seeking abortions might not realise they were pregnant.
well, and those silly little girls are COMPLETELY FUCKING UNAWARE that the fetus will turn into a baby.
Women. They so SILLY, amirite fellas?
I tried aborting a cigarette and only ended up with tar on my pants.
Ya know..I figured Will was a tad smarter than the average crackwhore when he came out against the Palinator..but I evidently was wrong.
He might know his shit when it comes to baseball but the man can't find his ass w/both hands and a GPS when it comes to politics and the GOP Presidential Clowns currently running to be our Pres.
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