From the internets, I've learned that this photograph of Sir Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel and Orbs was taken by Friedrich Rehberg. Due to the difficulty of Orb photography back in November of 1814, further processing was performed by James Godby, who stippled the final result into shape.
Sir Friedrich is famous because he discovered Uranus.
He also composed twenty-four symphonies, which were no doubt the inspiration for this band I saw this weekend here in Columbus, The Spikedrivers.
Sir Friedrich is famous because he discovered Uranus.
Yeah, well maybe yours.
Does Uranus have orbs??
Hopefully not dingle orbs.
I certainly didn't expect this sort of sophomoric humor.
Shan't be back, etc.
Also, I don't like fish. He ruined my day.
Yeah, he will do that.
thundra? Have you ever traced your orb ancestry? Perhaps you are related!
Sir Friedrich is famous because he discovered Uranus.
Bastard won't even call me now, says he's just not that into me!
VS, now you know where "I blame fish" and "put fish in the freezer" come from.
Jennifer, I got some nice orb shots last night, but I think I'll post the pictures and video (if it came out nice) from the rally I was just attending.
Time: 1:00 PM
Location: Capitol Building
Address: 77 S High - Columbus, OH. 43215
BBBB, lol!
Shan't be back, etc.
It shows real dedication to a meme when you shantbeback your own blog.
It shows real dedication to a meme when you shantbeback your own blog.
I was thinking the same thing, but then remembered, I believe it's Blogger that decides whether or whether not thundra shan't be back!
LOL to everything. I wasn't even expecting butt jokes. why I don't know. The internet always surprises.
Jennifer, I got some nice orb shots last night, but I think I'll post the pictures and video (if it came out nice) from the rally I was just attending.
Hopefully not by Uranus...
LOL to everything. I wasn't even expecting butt jokes. why I don't know. The internet always surprises.
Kathleen's been spending too much time in adultland. Pffft!
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