10/28/2009 Roll Call reports that House Republicans been relying on their freshman members... to engage in the sort of political messaging that is normally reserved for more senior members...Rep. Chris Lee (R-NY) said: "We haven't been tainted yet."

10/28/2009 Roll Call reports that House Republicans been relying on their freshman members... to engage in the sort of political messaging that is normally reserved for more senior members...Rep. Chris Lee (R-NY) said: "We haven't been tainted yet."
1. At least it wasn't a cock pic.
2. He has a much nicer body than I expected.
Also, the alt text made me giggle.
T&U, I'm thinking that pick-up line is GOLD!
What a taint.
Because of the speed with which he resigned, I imagine that there must be some really crazy shit he didn't want to get out there.
Speaking of e-mail problems, I hope Carl Paladino runs for his seat.
If someone is techie enough to send email photos to people they barely know how come they aren't smart enough to not send photos to people they barely know?
A.K. posts the kōan.
Because of the speed with which he resigned, I imagine that there must be some really crazy shit he didn't want to get out there.
I thought the same thing. Get ready for the furry pics to be on Gawker.
Bleach? For my eyes? Anyone, Anyone?
Buncha haters here, I see. Face it, the man is HOTT!! I just threw up a little.
Face it, the man is HOTT!!
[arte johnson] But schtupid. Veryy, very SCHTUUUUUU-pid.
[/arte johnson]
I like the manly fist. Near his manly crotch.
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