1) GA: Representative Seeking to Make Miscarriages "Prenatal Murder"
2) TN: Legislators Propose Bill To Make Shariah Law Illegal
3) TX: Sonogram bill speeds through Texas Legislature
Bonus TX: Texas group launches scholarship for white men ONLY... because they 'need an equal shot'
Where is General William T. Sherman when you need him?

This is just depressing...
More bird pics, please.
I allus like that picture of Sherman. See how the horse's ears re pricked up . Heh heh
The southern legislators are a bunch of trogs, are they not? One wonders how they manage to breathe and talk at teh same time
They are indeed, A.K. And not the good kind.
Need cheering up, Jennifer? Governor Imperial Walker is having the windows of the capital welded shut to keep people from passing food into the building to the people inside.
I assume this is your doing?
I was born in South Carolina and raised in Arkansas. Half my family is from Georgia. I love the South...but I'm about ready to carve it out myself. It can just be its own separate Republic of Dumfuckistan.
Surely you are not suggesting that General Sherman have his horse poop fire on Georgia again!
I am saddened for America.
fish, those look awesome!
There's been a correction to the window-welding story (obviously this would be a fire safety hazard).
M.B., that is exactly what I'm suggesting.
I bet Charlie Sheen has a fire-pooping horse.
Buggered link in your last comment, Thundra.
It stupid, but sometimes blogger doesn't read the quotemarks around a link properly. In this case, it left the backquotemarks in.
I bet Charlie Sheen has a fire-pooping horse.
Texas is going to get worse before it gets better--whites are a minority now and they haven't come to terms with that fact.
If you look at the states without unions, with the worst social statistics, most of them have a large minority population. The white begger the entire state so Those People don't get anything they don't deserve.
That's Democracy!
'bout time us crackers get a fair shake in the world of The Black Man.
I can only hope this all comes back to bite him in the ass, in a big way.
Apparenlty there are over a million Wisconsinites willing to sign up on a recall. Still have to wait a year, but people are paying attention now.
Progressive white men are an even vaster minority down hyeh, found mostly in pockets around certain universities and in the larger cities.
In some places even the lack of an obnoxious bumper sticker on your car can implicate you. I saw two on a truck last week: one had a red circle with a line drawn through it over the letters IRS; the other was "Support the Troops" ribbon. Derpy derp.
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